I almost wish I'd done it differently

I'm compiling examples from other authors about things you've written that didn't go over so well with readers, but you feel are either necessary for the story or were things you wrote to try something new. For example, I wrote a book where I played with the timeline, like the film Memento. It was a technique I wanted to use and it was challenging to get the sequencing just right. Readers didn't get it, but to me it's still a book I"m really proud of.

Another author told me she killed off an MC, one had her gay character get married and have kids because it was necessary for the plot.

I'm planning to write an article about what it's like to make these choices and how we deal with reader reaction when we write outside of their genre comfort zones.

You can remain anonymous if you choose. If not, I will contact you on whether you want me to use your name in the article. It will be submitted to a well-known publication for writers.

Thanks for your help!