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Which is the usual sequence in the appearance of cells in an acute inflammatory response with healing?

XY presents to your clinic. He explains that last night he broke up with his girlfriend, the name of whom he had tattooed on his thumb. In the throes of his drunken misery, he burned the tattoo off with his Bic lighter. Clinical signs and symptoms of the lesion on his thumb include which of the following:

A week later XY again presents to your clinic. Apparently he received a lot of grief from his co-workers at the gas station about the Power Ranger’s Band-Aids you used to cover his thumb lesion, so he took them off. The wound looks worse in that it is much more erythematous and more painful to touch. Upon culture, numerous pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus organisms grow. The most important system for the killing of bacteria processed by XY’s PMNs (assuming they are normal) is which of the following:

Several days later XY shows up again. This time the lesion is bulging and quite warm to touch. You suspect an abscess has formed, especially because when you lance it, foul-smelling purulent debris is exuded. You take some of the debris, smear it out on a slide, and stain it. You expect to see mostly which of the following:

Upon lancing the abscess, you accidentally created an incision to large to be closed with Band-Aids and anyway, XY does not want anymore Band-Aids. Sutures are needed. You know that suturing the wound will allow it to heal by primary intention. Even if you did not suture the wound and left it open, it would heal by secondary intention. Features shared by both primary and secondary intention healing include which of the following:

While you suture up his wound, XY tells you that he is back together with his girlfriend. He wants to know if his skin will eventually be strong enough to allow for the re-tattooing of her name. You tell him the following EXCEPT:

If XY had used an eraser to rub out his girlfriend’s name tattooed on his thumb, and rubbed so hard that flecks of rubber from the eraser penetrated and became embedded into the underlying dermis, you would expect to see a granulomatous-type inflammatory reaction. True statements regarding granulomatous inflammation include all of the following EXCEPT:

Which of the following is true regarding wound healing by first intention vs. second intention?

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD):

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