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In order of importance, what is it that determines your attendance at a clinic
  • Cost
  • Location
  • topics covered
  • length of clinic

When you are at home and come up to a challenge with your horse, in what ways do you deal with that challenge? (In order of mostly likely to least likely to do)

In this scenario, we are assuming that you are riding or working your horse, have an issue that you can't seem to overcome, have worked at it and now the horse is put up and you are inside looking for some help.

  • google a video on Youtube
  • Call mom, scream in her ear
  • look for a book on the topic
  • Contact a trainer to assess your situation and help you out
  • look on Facebook for friends who have dealt with the same issue
  • Rum, Tequila, or beer

Would you rather...

Can you tell us a little about why you chose one answer over the other?

Have you ever attended an outstanding clinic that changed your perspective on you or your horse, or your working relationship? If so, what do you feel was that "ah-ha" moment?

What makes for a really memorable and outstanding clinic, in order of importance?
  • Friendships and fun
  • A sense of accomplishment and success with your horse or yourself
  • one on one time with the clinician
  • the presence of bacon at the meals!
  • Clinician demonstrations

How would you quantify or qualify you or your horse's success at the end of a clinic?

What ultimately makes the clinic a success or failure in your eyes?

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