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Would you rank the order of elements in the hierarchy differently in terms of priority and if so how?

Drag and drop the elements into a new order if needed. Leave if you believe its just fine in its current form.

  • Business
  • Built Environment and Digital Ecosystem
  • Culture
  • Recognition
  • Creativity and Innovation

Can you choose elements from below that you think should be added?

I believe there is room for additional considerations. I've listed them below - you can select two you think are critical or none at all. You can add your own in the following question.

Can you suggest any other elements that should be considered?

If you suggest a new element or you can choose from the list above, please provide a brief explanation of it and reason why it should be added.

If you are open to being contacted and potentially even collaborating on this research, please add an email address.

I'll send out a follow-up mail to keep you up to date or explore possible involvement.

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