When deciding how much yeast is needed for a batch of beer, the rule of thumb for ales is _______ viable yeast cells for every millimeter of wort per degree Plato, while lagers require _______ viable yeast cells per millimeter per degree Plato.

In ________, Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to observe yeast under a microscope, though misidentifying the living organism as a non-living byproduct of the little-understood fermentation process.

The degree of conversion of sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide is described as…

The two main species of brewer's yeasts are ________________ (ale yeast) and ________________ (lager yeast).

If petite mutants accumulate to more than ____ percent of the yeast population, the result can be a poor fermentation performance and flavor problems such as phenolic and diacetyl.