Is there a swim challenge that you dream about undertaking?

If yes what is it? (select the one that best applies, or specify a different category in the "other" field)

How likely is it that you will pursue this challenge within the next two years?

What would be the main reasons that would prevent you from making the attempt (please select all that apply)?

Approximately how much would it cost for you to make your dream challenge a reality?

Please specify what currency you are referring to (US dollars, British Pounds, Euros, etc...)

How many more hours (additional to what you normally do) of training per week would be required in order for you to fulfill your dream challenge?

If relevant, in addition to stating the number of weekly additional hours, please state the number of months that the training would require

How old are you?

What's your gender?

If you want to share your dream swim with us, we would love to hear about it.

We will publish the survey results on this blog, but if you want us to send you an email when we have the results, please leave us your email address below

(e.g. john@example.com)