Did you travel from Watford Met to/from Wembley Park for the Championship play-off finals on May 27th 2013? *

Was this your first choice of travel route? *

If not able to travel from Watford Met, what would be your alternate choice of train travel route from Watford to Wembley? *

In the event the Croxley Rail Link goes ahead as currently planned, Watford Met station will be closed to passenger traffic. The map below shows the approximate location of other stations. e.g. if your alternate choice of station was Ascot Road and it would take you an extra 17 minutes to walk there but the journey time was 1 minute less than to/from Watford Met (as predicted), then your additional travel time would be 16 minutes.

In relation to your answer to question 3 above, how would your journey time from this alternate choice of train travel route differ? *

This question assumes all trains run to timetable and no delays occur(!) - please indicate the OVERALL extra time/time saving for walking to your choice of station + additional/reduced journey time