Who was it that Katy saw getting into the car with the agent? Hint- This person was thought to have died a while ago.

“You look like you got more of a bath than the car. I never thought washing a car would be so hard, but after watching you for the last fifteen minutes, I’m convinced it should be an Olympic sport.”

What are the names of the Black triplets?

“Cookie?" he offered, holding a cookie full of chocolate chips. Upset tummy or not, there was no way I could refuse that. "Sure." His lips tipped up one side and he leaned toward me, his mouth inches from mine. "Come and get it." Come and get...? Daemon placed half the cookie between those full, totally kissable lips. Oh, holy alien babies everywhere...”

What blog post does Daemon help Katy with?

“Jesus.” Blake rubbed his throat. “You have anger management problems. Its like a disease.” “There’s a cure and it’s called kicking your ass.”

Who kidnaps Katy in order to get Daemon to change him?

How did Daemon manage to light Katy up like a Christmas tree in Obsidian? Hint- this is the scene that leads her to believe there is something not right about Daemon

“Will you show me what you really look like? You don't sparkle, do you?”

“Maybe on day I can be just as lazy as you and turn off lights without moving.” “That’s something to aspire to.” … “God, you’re so modest.” “Modesty is for saints and losers. I’m neither.” “Wow, Daemon, just wow.”