The average adult has how many teeth (including wisdom teeth)?

True or False: Exposure to acidic foods like lemon and other citrus fruits weakens your teeth's enamel, which can make it easier to get cavities.

Thanks to the introduction of sealants, flouridated water, and better preventative care, tooth decay among school-aged children has been cut by how much in the past 20 years?

The full length, root and all, of an average adult's maxillary central incisor (top front tooth) is what? (FYI: an inch is 25.4 mm)

According to Delta Dental, the average amount of money the Tooth Fairy left for a lost tooth in 2011 was:

True or False: If your child knocks out one of their permanent front teeth, before heading to the dentist or hosptial, you should immediately try to re-insert the tooth into its socket after rinsing the tooth off in milk or saline.

Approximately how many wisdom teeth are extracted each year in the United States?