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Job security *

How strongly do you feel you'll still have your current job this time next year if you choose?

Job related benefits package *

Move these items around according to how much you would like to have what you don't have.

  • Covers health-related costs
  • Contributes to your pension
  • Provides a comfortable salary
  • Pays adequately for sick days
  • Adequate paid vacation time
  • Place this option above those you already have these benefits.

Supportive employer *

How important is academics/support of teachers to your employer compared to the business aspect?

Encouragement for professional development *

How easy is it for your to engage in PD?

Fully paid for Partially paid for Completely on own dime
Salary during time off for attendance
Registration fees
Travel expenses

Salary during time off for attendance

Registration fees

Travel expenses

Give the resources you have access to through your school a score. *

5 - a wide ranging plethora
1 - unavailable

1 2 3 4 5
Relevant methodology books
Relevant resource books
Classroom technology
Reliable wifi/internet
Comfortable staff room

Relevant methodology books

Relevant resource books

Classroom technology

Reliable wifi/internet

Comfortable staff room

How do you feel about the collaboration among you and your colleagues? *

Comparison to this time last year. *

Do you think you are in a better position than you were at this time last year?

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