Heavy rains have been predicted for your outing. To keep water from flooding your tent, you should:

Which of these would not be a good fire starter?

Which knots/hitches are best used to rig a tent, rain tarp or clothesline?

Knots used to rig tents and tarps should always be completed with:

Boots should be sized so you can wear two pairs of socks — one thick pair and one thin pair. Socks should be wool or synthetic, but not cotton. You should:

Your campsite is on a slight incline. You’ll have to level your bed with spare clothes to sleep comfortably. The best way to pitch your tent is:

It is a beautiful sunny day. High in the sky you see wispy cirrus clouds (horse tails). This indicates:

It’s early morning, and the mosquitoes are biting more than usual. Around noon, they stop biting. What gives?

You are going backpacking on a well-maintained trail. You should arrange things in your pack so:

You have observed a black bear near your camp. Fortunately, you have a can of cayenne pepper spray. What should you do?

You are planning to backpack along a river that has very silty water. You can carry your drinking water (one gallon per person per day), or you can draw water from the river and purify it — that is, if you can prevent the silt from clogging your filter. What should you do?

The best way to clean a synthetic-fill sleeping bag is to:

What is the most effective way to purify drinking water, besides boiling the water?

You are buying new rain gear and know that mosquitoes and black flies are attracted to certain colors. Which color should you avoid?

You are buying a new summer tent. Which feature is least important?

You arise early in the morning to discover your tent fly is wet from dew. The smoke from your campfire is going straight up. This suggests:

There is a lightning storm in progress. You count 10 seconds between the lightning flash and the boom of thunder. Roughly how far away is the lightning strike?

You are cooking on a gasoline trail stove. Which of these is a bad practice?

You are toasting some bread in a skillet. How can you best prevent the toast from sticking and burning?

Which of the following should Scouts not wear on a hiking trip?