Should schools keep the analog clocks?


  • LaKeta Chism-Williams - 7 years ago

    I remember how hard it was for me to learn to read analog clocks to where I felt "dumb", where, normally, I was the "smart kid" in my classes. Later, I learned that I just learn those types of things differently than others. Both my kids had that same problem. And for WHY? Cant tell you the last time they encountered an analog clock. I believe that learning to read one CAN be useful, but not necessary.

  • Mrs.CT - 7 years ago

    My two year old daughter will never have to read an analog clock a day in her life. We are in the digital age, and I think the education system should reflect. I have never even thought of analog clocks being archaic, but now I know, so thank you for your perspective!

  • Tonya - 7 years ago

    Digital clocks are everywhere so it seems waste of time to teach something so unnecessary. Also if people want their kid to learn how to tell time they can buy them a watch and teach it themselves,

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