Hard to believe Norfolk managed all that in one awesome take. Such a great job by all of them and SO fun to watch. BUT Seattle takes this hands down for taking it so many steps further to bring the flavor, the people and the heart of Seattle out in their video. I smile every time I see it and nobody else yet has chosen a song and an artist that so perfectly represents the town. Macklemore and Seattle PD made for one hell of a fun time!!
MercyMoi - 7 years ago
To fully grasp the humor of the Seattle PD lip sync you have to first watch Macklemore's Downtown video. The SPD nods to Macklemore are hilarious! I particularly love the parking enforcer on his "eagle chariot", and the cop dancing like Ryan Lewis in front of the parade. What a creative and talented bunch!
Cretia Parmelee - 7 years ago
C’mon, lip syncing on the roof of the Space Needle?! For our entertainment?! Hell. No. Well done, guys. Well done.
Dorothy Hurst - 7 years ago
NPD all the way. Lots more actual lip syncing! Liked that they included NFD, and other city employees. Besides I love Bruno Mars Uptown Funk.
L lk - 7 years ago
Awesome Seattle PD , Seattle FD and all of you that got together to have fun in the SUN and show Norfolk we have the best city in USA. Great job!
Judy Cook - 7 years ago
I haven't seen one LE lip-sync yet that hasn't been great! I love and appreciate all of them!!
PCCarter - 7 years ago
I like the whole idea...these guys do so much for our communities and a few bad apples make it horrible for them...even the new Seattle Police Chief got involved...I loved that they showed the Seattle Landmarks and people throughout the video too!
Hard to believe Norfolk managed all that in one awesome take. Such a great job by all of them and SO fun to watch. BUT Seattle takes this hands down for taking it so many steps further to bring the flavor, the people and the heart of Seattle out in their video. I smile every time I see it and nobody else yet has chosen a song and an artist that so perfectly represents the town. Macklemore and Seattle PD made for one hell of a fun time!!
To fully grasp the humor of the Seattle PD lip sync you have to first watch Macklemore's Downtown video. The SPD nods to Macklemore are hilarious! I particularly love the parking enforcer on his "eagle chariot", and the cop dancing like Ryan Lewis in front of the parade. What a creative and talented bunch!
C’mon, lip syncing on the roof of the Space Needle?! For our entertainment?! Hell. No. Well done, guys. Well done.
NPD all the way. Lots more actual lip syncing! Liked that they included NFD, and other city employees. Besides I love Bruno Mars Uptown Funk.
Awesome Seattle PD , Seattle FD and all of you that got together to have fun in the SUN and show Norfolk we have the best city in USA. Great job!
I haven't seen one LE lip-sync yet that hasn't been great! I love and appreciate all of them!!
I like the whole idea...these guys do so much for our communities and a few bad apples make it horrible for them...even the new Seattle Police Chief got involved...I loved that they showed the Seattle Landmarks and people throughout the video too!
Both are awesome...