Ted Cruz lies continuously. It was obvious he would not stand up to trump on anything ever. He is lying Ted just like a Trump said. The deficit is exploding, something he has previously stated was unacceptable. But now he just lies & says it isn’t. He needs to go! He only cares about himself just like a trump. Give Beto a chance to make things right for people.
Terry Isaacs - 6 years ago
Ted Cruz lies continuously. It was obvious he would not stand up to trump on anything ever. He is lying Ted just like a Trump said. The deficit is exploding, something he has previously stated was unacceptable. But now he just lies & says it isn’t. He needs to go! He only cares about himself just like a trump. Give Beto a chance to make things right for people.
Frankie Fontaine - 6 years ago
How can any intelligent person say Beto won? He did much better than I thought (which I had low expectations to start). Cruz righteously wiped the floor with that bleeding socialist who has a great lying line of bull chips!
Beto needs to get a job at WalMart selling eyeglasses...
Joshua McDowell - 6 years ago
How in the world does anyone believe Cruz’s avalanche of horseshit anymore?! This is the guy who shut down the government as a stunt, accomplishing nothing but harming Americans, delaying the real work that needed to be done, and further illustrating what a feckless, spineless, castrated cuck Teddy confetti is. You have to be desperate to throw your lot in with a RINO like Ted. Fiscally conservative? Nah, just added 2 trillion to the debt. Thats right: T-R... TRILLION. And the guy has the gall to play us like we are stupid. That the PERMANENT tax breaks he voted to give to corporations and the wealthiest, where do you think that money comes from?! That’s right: the American taxpayer. Ted just gave your money that you already earned and gifted it the ultra rich. Talk about wealth redistribution.
Vote Beto: the guy who won’t lie to your face and look concerned while he picks your pocket.
Phil Clancy - 6 years ago
Beto cares about People vs Cruz lying about everything. Cruz stands for nothing
Patrick mahoney - 6 years ago
What has Cruz done for Texas other than campaign?? He pushed to get folks off medical insurance, fought to lower taxes for the rich and corporations but has that money trickled down??? All you need to do is listen. He spoke eloquently against his opponent; not of his own substance. At least not truthfully. And civility?? No one like Ted for a reason; he is not like able.
Patrick Mahoney - 6 years ago
Cruz talked the usual GOP talking points and merely attacked Beto. Beto talked about his accomplishments, his ideas, and stated Cruz’s lies. So we can elect a man who builds on ideas, or only attacks someone else’s. If being healthy, educated, free, and civil has a label I would say it falls under the American dream. Sorry if that’s offensive to the Right...
Robert Werzner - 6 years ago
Beto O’Rourke is definitely a Progressive Socialist in sheep’s clothing! Any Texan can tell the difference between a Progressive Socialist like O’Rourke and a Constitutional Conservative such as Ted Cruz! Help get Ted re-elected so he can, in turn, help President Trump build the wall!! Thanks!
Myra Naylor - 6 years ago
Cruz won the debate. Texans don’t want socialism and open borders. The last thing Texans want is to be like NY or especially California.
Joanna - 6 years ago
Beto is “all hat no cattle”...his answers were vague generalizations and flowery sentiments. Cruz had data and facts to present. What has Beto really done for El Paso??? I believe Cruz fights for what’s best for Texas....if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Jm - 6 years ago
They both are politician that do a great job trying to win your vote. I will vote Cruz as you have to look at who is more suitable for the State of Texas and what they have already done for Texas. Beto says a lot of things I want to hear such as he want to represent Texans, Democrats or Republicans. But doesn’t give what he has ever done? Cruz all the way because he knows Texas and Texans. He knows what is important for this State. One more thing, how much money did Beto get outside of this State. Why would others want our State to turn? Keep our second amendment with Cruz
Janice C H - 6 years ago
Beto was clear that he stands for Texans???????? Cruz promotes who promotes Cruz. Trump dogged him & his wife. Get some backbone ted!
Susan - 6 years ago
Beto won since he gave constructive answers instead of fear mongering Cruz.
Both parties need to be honest about who pays for federal programs because federal taxes do not fund federal spending. All federal taxes are deleted upon receipt. This is because our federal government creates our fiat sovereign currency and needs no other monetary source to fund programs.
Check out MMT, and the excellent example of federal reserve chairman Allen Greenspan telling Paul Ryan the same thing, that there will never be a problem paying for social security because our federal government has an unlimited ability to create more money to fund federal programs.
So, the who will pay for it question regarding federal programs is moot concerning federal taxes.
Susan Believes - 6 years ago
Beto is honest and humane. He will protect women’s reproductive rights. Mark my words: women will not go back to the old days on issues that affect our bodies. Beto gets that.
Shawn Davis - 6 years ago
Beto is definitely a used car salesman. He's clueless!!!
Beto clearly won. Cruz is a practiced lying politico.
Moe Mehrbod - 6 years ago
I believe Beto is better. Cruz is not honest and he doesn’t do anything for people! We have crazy president now. I really don’t want to have idiot senator as well!
JBJ - 6 years ago
Beto offered no solutions for me. He wants to raise taxes, take my guns, and prioritize the life of an illegal immigrant over my life as an American citizen. Beto will say anything to get votes. I'm voting for Ted Cruz.
R.C. Keene - 6 years ago
Wataburger beats White Castle
PTS - 6 years ago
Beto talked in terms of unrealistic hopes and consistently did personal attacks against Cruz.
Cruz had realistic command of facts and understanding of reality.
Beto seemed like a kid in comparison.
Rita Ross - 6 years ago
Beto has gotten my attention and after this debate I have decided to vote for Beto O'Rourke. He appears to be very sincere and truly honorable. Cruz continued to harp on who has endorsed him rather than his accomplishments. He appeared to be more concerned about himself and being re-elected show little sincere concerns for Texas residents.
Wayne Kuhn - 6 years ago
Cruz clearly won the debate way outclassing Beto who appeared defensive, and stumbling.
Day - 6 years ago
Beto is an Obama clone danced around answers no real plan Vote Ted Keep TEXAS RED
Randy crum - 6 years ago
As a long time republican, I regret to say, Cruze is part of the party’s downfalls and continues to fuel the embarrassment to the Republican Party. O’Rourke seems to be an honest choice. He is the best choice.
Clay Jenkins - 6 years ago
Beto was clear and strong.
Robert - 6 years ago
Robert is a rich entitled liar who is playing like he cares to get power to enslave us.
John Wilson - 6 years ago
Beto is for the people. Cruz cares about big business. He is too busy kissing Trump's ass instead of working for Texans.
John Wilson - 6 years ago
Beto is for the people. Cruz cares about big business. He is too busy kissing Trump's ass instead of working for Texans.
Ted Cruz lies continuously. It was obvious he would not stand up to trump on anything ever. He is lying Ted just like a Trump said. The deficit is exploding, something he has previously stated was unacceptable. But now he just lies & says it isn’t. He needs to go! He only cares about himself just like a trump. Give Beto a chance to make things right for people.
Ted Cruz lies continuously. It was obvious he would not stand up to trump on anything ever. He is lying Ted just like a Trump said. The deficit is exploding, something he has previously stated was unacceptable. But now he just lies & says it isn’t. He needs to go! He only cares about himself just like a trump. Give Beto a chance to make things right for people.
How can any intelligent person say Beto won? He did much better than I thought (which I had low expectations to start). Cruz righteously wiped the floor with that bleeding socialist who has a great lying line of bull chips!
Beto needs to get a job at WalMart selling eyeglasses...
How in the world does anyone believe Cruz’s avalanche of horseshit anymore?! This is the guy who shut down the government as a stunt, accomplishing nothing but harming Americans, delaying the real work that needed to be done, and further illustrating what a feckless, spineless, castrated cuck Teddy confetti is. You have to be desperate to throw your lot in with a RINO like Ted. Fiscally conservative? Nah, just added 2 trillion to the debt. Thats right: T-R... TRILLION. And the guy has the gall to play us like we are stupid. That the PERMANENT tax breaks he voted to give to corporations and the wealthiest, where do you think that money comes from?! That’s right: the American taxpayer. Ted just gave your money that you already earned and gifted it the ultra rich. Talk about wealth redistribution.
Vote Beto: the guy who won’t lie to your face and look concerned while he picks your pocket.
Beto cares about People vs Cruz lying about everything. Cruz stands for nothing
What has Cruz done for Texas other than campaign?? He pushed to get folks off medical insurance, fought to lower taxes for the rich and corporations but has that money trickled down??? All you need to do is listen. He spoke eloquently against his opponent; not of his own substance. At least not truthfully. And civility?? No one like Ted for a reason; he is not like able.
Cruz talked the usual GOP talking points and merely attacked Beto. Beto talked about his accomplishments, his ideas, and stated Cruz’s lies. So we can elect a man who builds on ideas, or only attacks someone else’s. If being healthy, educated, free, and civil has a label I would say it falls under the American dream. Sorry if that’s offensive to the Right...
Beto O’Rourke is definitely a Progressive Socialist in sheep’s clothing! Any Texan can tell the difference between a Progressive Socialist like O’Rourke and a Constitutional Conservative such as Ted Cruz! Help get Ted re-elected so he can, in turn, help President Trump build the wall!! Thanks!
Cruz won the debate. Texans don’t want socialism and open borders. The last thing Texans want is to be like NY or especially California.
Beto is “all hat no cattle”...his answers were vague generalizations and flowery sentiments. Cruz had data and facts to present. What has Beto really done for El Paso??? I believe Cruz fights for what’s best for Texas....if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
They both are politician that do a great job trying to win your vote. I will vote Cruz as you have to look at who is more suitable for the State of Texas and what they have already done for Texas. Beto says a lot of things I want to hear such as he want to represent Texans, Democrats or Republicans. But doesn’t give what he has ever done? Cruz all the way because he knows Texas and Texans. He knows what is important for this State. One more thing, how much money did Beto get outside of this State. Why would others want our State to turn? Keep our second amendment with Cruz
Beto was clear that he stands for Texans???????? Cruz promotes who promotes Cruz. Trump dogged him & his wife. Get some backbone ted!
Beto won since he gave constructive answers instead of fear mongering Cruz.
Both parties need to be honest about who pays for federal programs because federal taxes do not fund federal spending. All federal taxes are deleted upon receipt. This is because our federal government creates our fiat sovereign currency and needs no other monetary source to fund programs.
Check out MMT, and the excellent example of federal reserve chairman Allen Greenspan telling Paul Ryan the same thing, that there will never be a problem paying for social security because our federal government has an unlimited ability to create more money to fund federal programs.
So, the who will pay for it question regarding federal programs is moot concerning federal taxes.
Beto is honest and humane. He will protect women’s reproductive rights. Mark my words: women will not go back to the old days on issues that affect our bodies. Beto gets that.
Beto is definitely a used car salesman. He's clueless!!!
Beto clearly won. Cruz is a practiced lying politico.
I believe Beto is better. Cruz is not honest and he doesn’t do anything for people! We have crazy president now. I really don’t want to have idiot senator as well!
Beto offered no solutions for me. He wants to raise taxes, take my guns, and prioritize the life of an illegal immigrant over my life as an American citizen. Beto will say anything to get votes. I'm voting for Ted Cruz.
Wataburger beats White Castle
Beto talked in terms of unrealistic hopes and consistently did personal attacks against Cruz.
Cruz had realistic command of facts and understanding of reality.
Beto seemed like a kid in comparison.
Beto has gotten my attention and after this debate I have decided to vote for Beto O'Rourke. He appears to be very sincere and truly honorable. Cruz continued to harp on who has endorsed him rather than his accomplishments. He appeared to be more concerned about himself and being re-elected show little sincere concerns for Texas residents.
Cruz clearly won the debate way outclassing Beto who appeared defensive, and stumbling.
Beto is an Obama clone danced around answers no real plan Vote Ted Keep TEXAS RED
As a long time republican, I regret to say, Cruze is part of the party’s downfalls and continues to fuel the embarrassment to the Republican Party. O’Rourke seems to be an honest choice. He is the best choice.
Beto was clear and strong.
Robert is a rich entitled liar who is playing like he cares to get power to enslave us.
Beto is for the people. Cruz cares about big business. He is too busy kissing Trump's ass instead of working for Texans.
Beto is for the people. Cruz cares about big business. He is too busy kissing Trump's ass instead of working for Texans.