Is it wrong for Creflo to charge for bible study?


  • Doug B - 6 years ago

    I didn't realize how bold some of these churches are. My mother told me my auntie's church requires members to present a W2 each year so they can be properly invoiced their 10% tithes.

  • CT - 6 years ago

    "I would never steal from the Christian community, i'm here for the people"
    - Creflo DOLLAR, born Michael Smith!!!

    He's a liar, a cheater, a deceiver heartbreaker. And I won't let him back in my life, but he's taken
    the house
    the car
    the kids
    and the dog.
    He wants it all.

    This man is the ultimate scammer, the decisive bag securer, the false Jesus whisperer and snake in the garden.
    He should be ashamed of himself. As an alleged pastor, as a man of the pulpit. He's going to pay for his mistakes. And i'm not even Christian anymore. I just believe he's a scammer in cloth.

  • Blue Wave Ride - 6 years ago

    Where did you find that clip of the stuttering black man that you played at the 44:44 mark of the show? I love it. Who is that?

    Bernie's comments about black people underscore the dangers of black adjacent white liberals. They think they're immune to racism while saying and doing racist things.

    Creflo Dollar...Better to talk about preachers actually doin' work in these streets, folk like Dr. William Barber. I know how you feel about religion, but there are preachers out there doing work, and they ain't all broke. If they feed the poor and advocate for social justice they ought to get some props.

  • Melly - 6 years ago

    Speaking from experience while talking to devout Church attendees, my only response to this is, I hope they get what they pay for and more power to them. I’ve heard so many people defend these prosperity speakers wanting and asking for extravagant things such as planes and Bentley cars while the church attender has no lights at home or is taking the bus to church because they can’t afford to fix their car. And brag about the money they sent to Reverend so and so. If people don’t want to read and research or try to have critical thinking about what’s being asked of you, well “secure that bag preacher man”

  • Melly - 6 years ago

    Speaking from experience while talking to devout Church attendees, my only response to this is, I hope they get what they pay for and more power to them. I’ve heard so many people defend these prosperity speakers wanting and asking for extravagant things such as planes and Bentley cars while the church attender has no lights at home or is taking the bus to church because they can’t afford to fix their car. And brag about the money they sent to Reverend so and so. If people don’t want to read and research or try to have critical thinking about what’s being asked of you, well “secure that bag preacher man”

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