some times you may be attracted to a quality in a partner that you lack in yourself.
may I suggest a new segment for the show, The Bernie Sanders Update. The theme music can be Return of the Mack. Should be good for a few laughs.
happy blackface history month
Sean - 6 years ago
There is a different between complimentary and opposite. Complimentary means that you have a lot of similarities and you match and improve eachother because of one's strengths overlapping with the other's weaknesses; opposite means you stress eachother the fuck out and will make eachother miserable no matter how good the stress may or may not be...
some times you may be attracted to a quality in a partner that you lack in yourself.
may I suggest a new segment for the show, The Bernie Sanders Update. The theme music can be Return of the Mack. Should be good for a few laughs.
happy blackface history month
There is a different between complimentary and opposite. Complimentary means that you have a lot of similarities and you match and improve eachother because of one's strengths overlapping with the other's weaknesses; opposite means you stress eachother the fuck out and will make eachother miserable no matter how good the stress may or may not be...