Did you watch Homecoming yet?

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  • Zindzi - 6 years ago

    I'm gonna be upfront and say while I always respected Bey, I never really listened to her music beyond what I heard on random platforms like radio or some spotify playlist. I never sought it out and I never went crazy for her even if I did respect how she handles her business. However, after watching Homecoming (THE MOMENT IT DROPPED), I must say I am a stan for life now. I went and got the Homecoming album, the Lemonade album and every other one of her albums after that just to see the evolution of her sound and message.

    The one thing that hit me as I watched Homecoming though and actually brought me to tears, was seeing all the different versions of blackness up on stage with Bey. I saw people who looked like me not just in skin tone but in body shape too and it blew my mind. YOU NEVER SEE THAT. On such a platform with such a star? I saw strong, talented, black women who weren't all skinny or whatever the western ideal of acceptable blackness is nowadays. And when she had a quote from Chimamanda on there too, my Nigerian heart exploded with joy and pride. I stan. (Y'all who don't plan on watching Homecoming just don't like seasoning, huh?)

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