Have you ever been taken by a high pressure sales tactic?


  • T. Smoke - 6 years ago

    Definitely have been in that spot and I hate that happened to you Karen. Almost looked it up for you and called my damn self, to tell them to cancel that shit!! I had something similar happen to me last summer, I had been given a free stay at a resort in Galveston, only thing I had to do was attend one of those timeshares seminar. I figured I’d do it, it was only an hour of my time and I had no interest in a bullshit timeshare lol. That bully tactic is so real, but them heauxs ain’t know I didn’t give AF who they brought out my answer was still the same, “I’m only here for the free shit” They kept me waiting and had a slideshow playing all in an attempt to get me to change my mind, but by this time I was disgusted because I knew what they were trying to get me to do, so what did I do...fcuk with them. By this time I had told 3 people no, so the fourth person they brought out, I let him get all of his speech out and said let me see the paperwork, my parents may be interested (LIES). Soon as he came back with it, I said you know what I changed my mind, not going to be able to do it, now sign this damn paper so I can get my cash and go to the beach! Never raised my voice, but I let them know, you can’t bully me into doing anything, I don’t want to do. Karen if that happens again, you may need to give me a call and I can tell they asses where to go and how to get there so you don’t have to get out of comfort level???????? Love y’all both and take care

  • Lola Anderson - 6 years ago

    I learned how to say no. It gets easier each time.

  • Andrea - 6 years ago

    My go-to response:
    “No, thank you”
    “Not even a little bit”
    I must take into account that I am over 6’ tall, thick, and with a relatively deep voice. They don’t want this smoke! ????

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