The gun ownership debate is one of the most sinister things the founders ever cooked up. Maybe D&D could make a show where NRA members explain the God given right to own an AR15. That amendment was for muskets that took 40 seconds to reload if you were proficient. The Ohio killer killed 9 people in 20 something seconds.
Lennie - 6 years ago
Right now I'm one of the two folks who says "thoughts and prayers are better." Thoughts and prayers mean nothing but refusing to vote for candidates that are pro gun control has serious consequences. Al Gore lost key support in 2000 because he was pro-gun control. Rep. Lucy McBath (Jordan Davis' mother) has been harassed all week by the RNC for being pro-gun control. Her keeping that red seat was already going to be an uphill battle.
(For, if you could read this in your best white woman of color voice) Every autumn I make the best apple pies from the apple tree in our back yard. Over several years I have fine tuned my ingredients for my pie so it is not too sweet, but sweet enough to cut the tartness of the apple. Plenty of cinnamon for fragrance and ginger, clove, and a pinch of allspice to make the apples flavor POP! in your mouth. Now gentle listen if you ask me where the nutmeg is. I will fight you! That ish made for a soapy aftertaste. Fight me. I digress. Last year For when on his pumpkin spice tirade and I was taken askance for I never pumpkin spice anything, or so I thought. As For suggested in this episode, I DID Google what pumpkin spice is and it turns out it is exactly what I've been putting into my pies every year. I would like to pronounce myself the pumpkin spice apple pie making king of TBGWT Nation. If anyone else is in the habit of making 30 to 50 apple pies in the fall they are welcome to my crown but until then put some repeck on my name and may Rod and Karen forever stay annointed in all things pumpkin and spicy
The gun ownership debate is one of the most sinister things the founders ever cooked up. Maybe D&D could make a show where NRA members explain the God given right to own an AR15. That amendment was for muskets that took 40 seconds to reload if you were proficient. The Ohio killer killed 9 people in 20 something seconds.
Right now I'm one of the two folks who says "thoughts and prayers are better." Thoughts and prayers mean nothing but refusing to vote for candidates that are pro gun control has serious consequences. Al Gore lost key support in 2000 because he was pro-gun control. Rep. Lucy McBath (Jordan Davis' mother) has been harassed all week by the RNC for being pro-gun control. Her keeping that red seat was already going to be an uphill battle.
(For, if you could read this in your best white woman of color voice) Every autumn I make the best apple pies from the apple tree in our back yard. Over several years I have fine tuned my ingredients for my pie so it is not too sweet, but sweet enough to cut the tartness of the apple. Plenty of cinnamon for fragrance and ginger, clove, and a pinch of allspice to make the apples flavor POP! in your mouth. Now gentle listen if you ask me where the nutmeg is. I will fight you! That ish made for a soapy aftertaste. Fight me. I digress. Last year For when on his pumpkin spice tirade and I was taken askance for I never pumpkin spice anything, or so I thought. As For suggested in this episode, I DID Google what pumpkin spice is and it turns out it is exactly what I've been putting into my pies every year. I would like to pronounce myself the pumpkin spice apple pie making king of TBGWT Nation. If anyone else is in the habit of making 30 to 50 apple pies in the fall they are welcome to my crown but until then put some repeck on my name and may Rod and Karen forever stay annointed in all things pumpkin and spicy