Do you think the Whisperers made the tree fall on Hilltop?


  • Blue Wave Rider - 5 years ago

    How, Sway? You tellin me they knocked down a HEALTHY TREE and didn't drawn ANY attention to themselves? HOW? HOW? And where the hell were the guards? They didn't see nuttin'? Maybe Jadis or Lydia was hooking up the guards.

  • Iman - 5 years ago

    No, I don’t think they did it. If they did, I'm wondering how? It would make noise and the tree seemed close enough to the walk for someone to hear hacking or sawing.
    I feel like this episode was meant to make the audience just as paranoid as the characters.

  • - 5 years ago

    this episode!! i absolutely cannot stand all the projection in this episode. i hate bullies and i hate aaron & father gabe’s lack of leadership. a child is bearing the brunt of the tension & they are just going to let it happen? smh hmm. if tara was still alive she’d have kicked them into gear. hmmm! smh gurira is killing it! also why did carol separate from kang ezekiel, yes they had 6yrs together but he was henry’s father before she came along. hmm smdh! finally, every time i see alpha i think of sinead o’connor. she’s a dirty sinead o’connir. LOL! hmmm! smh. love you both. howaboutbeth xx

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