I was the right age, but it never worked out for me, timing-wise. Plus, when I turned 18, Blockbuster hadn't put the Mom and Pop video stores out of business yet, and I didn't have the guts to go into the same store I'd been renting video games from since I was 9, and look them in the eye while I put porn down on the counter.
Alicia - 5 years ago
I was too young to rent but I did used to sneak and watch my mama's when she wasn't home ;)
MizzBarnes72 - 5 years ago
Old person here!
Yes, I was that person that rented the VHS with the big ass cover that looked like a textbook and the movie would only last 30-45 mins...ugh. I graduated up to buying the movies from the porn channels on cable. Sadly, I had to buy the movies with 'classy', non description titles and not the 'Big Booty Chronicles 55' title as I shared the cable bill with my mom and she would open the bill first. Sadly, my porn addiction would run me an extra $100-$200 a month. Luckily the internet has changed my life!
Iman - 5 years ago
Damn y’all old, lmbo! The only time I’ve seen people rent porn is in movies. But I do remember buying hentia at FYE. Also warning unsuspecting moms that, that “anime” their son picked out was actually porn. Hhaaaaahhaaa
I was the right age, but it never worked out for me, timing-wise. Plus, when I turned 18, Blockbuster hadn't put the Mom and Pop video stores out of business yet, and I didn't have the guts to go into the same store I'd been renting video games from since I was 9, and look them in the eye while I put porn down on the counter.
I was too young to rent but I did used to sneak and watch my mama's when she wasn't home ;)
Old person here!
Yes, I was that person that rented the VHS with the big ass cover that looked like a textbook and the movie would only last 30-45 mins...ugh. I graduated up to buying the movies from the porn channels on cable. Sadly, I had to buy the movies with 'classy', non description titles and not the 'Big Booty Chronicles 55' title as I shared the cable bill with my mom and she would open the bill first. Sadly, my porn addiction would run me an extra $100-$200 a month. Luckily the internet has changed my life!
Damn y’all old, lmbo! The only time I’ve seen people rent porn is in movies. But I do remember buying hentia at FYE. Also warning unsuspecting moms that, that “anime” their son picked out was actually porn. Hhaaaaahhaaa