How many years have you been listening to TBGWT?


  • Zindzi - 5 years ago

    I haven't been listening as long as 10 years but it does feel like I've known you guys forever. I listen to your show every week on my drive to/from work, and while I'm just sitting at home. Podcasts take up a large chunk of my time each week because I have so many interests and there's a podcast for everything these days! I am sorry for your loss, Karen and I appreciate y'alls openness about the emotions that we don't usually get to see when looking at the images people choose to present to the world. I lost my dad a few years ago and it really does come in waves even to this day, so when Rod said that, I felt it deeply. Thank you for everything you do, and I hope you guys have 10 more years of growth and awesomeness. I look forward to being on this journey with you and I hope that one day I'll even get to meet you.

  • Rebecca Michetti - 5 years ago

    Im a newbie here but I love you guys. Grats on your 10yrs in podcasting. Im a hard core podcast listener since I've got 10hrs to kill in a warehouse 4 days a week. I chew through podcasts and love every moment of yours. Keep up the great work!

    Rebecca M

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