What's worse?


  • LovelyMsHoneyBee - 5 years ago

    Karen I want to send you my thoughts, love and warmth from VA. As someone that has lost both of my parents - there is something in that loss that will forever change you. It's almost like a pre and a post you. Your openness and genuine expression of both love and pain during the show touched my heart profoundly. What was even more touching was the love on display between you two. I am tearing up writing this. While I know no marriage is perfect, I SHIP the HELL out of yall.

    Your podcast is EVERYTHING you hear me. EVERYTHING. I am mostly a lurker but I couldnt let the day go by without expressing how wonderful both you Karen the main host (ha) and Rod your side kick :) JK. I love how it can go from a reading rainbow moment that has me writing down which book it came from to shaking my booty and its rachet time during guess the race - when we can say all the bad shit we want with no judgment and everybody can get it.

    Every once in a while I'll listen to a true crime podcast but I am always pulled back because I want to hear sounds of blackness. Black people living and just being themselves. YALL in essence.

    I finally broke down and I am not PREMIUM that's right PREMIUM Bishhhh. I'm so excited like a kid in the candy store looking to see what flavor im gonna get first. I truly love yall. Unlike Rod I love my black capitalist LMAO - Karen make that money lol

    I didnt know if this was the appropriate place to leave this message and I hope it makes it's way to you.

    Again love and warmth

    SN - When something serious is going on in my life and someone would say "I'll pray for you" I always got a little nervous because I dont know who you praying to bruv and just what you praying for. Maybe that's the just me but it scares me a touch.

    Ok I'm gone for real this time.

  • Beth - 5 years ago

    Karen, Rod,
    My condolences regarding your sad news this week.

    Re the poll I believe Sofa King is right. I would say the right amount of seriousness & playfulness for whichever task/role. i was going to say that i’d want my doctor to be very serious but a review of 3 months in hospital changed my mind, a sense of humour does wonders for any job. i think respecting one’s job/customers/patients but not taking oneself too seriously is best.

    You two sounded so adorable after your day together. It was so sweet.


  • Sofa King - 5 years ago

    No binary answer to this one; depends on the job. I mean, sure, a notary who takes their job too seriously is trash, just like it would be if it was a librarian, or a mall security guard, or the cashier at Popeye's... but are they really worse than an air traffic controller or a first responder who doesn't take their job seriously enough? Remember that story y'all read a couple years ago about the 911 dispatcher who just ain't give a fuck? That's probably slightly worse than a gung-ho notary.

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