Who Would Win in a Fight: John Wick or James Bond?


  • L. J. Bond - 5 years ago

    I think you are correct in your assessment of the two components. Even despite being a Bond myself and having seen all Bond movies multiple times. I do think you are missing one critical aspect..."Game Plan".
    Yes, I feel that having a strategy is just as important as anything else. James Bond does have plans on occasion, but are really well thought through. Bond mostly just has a gut feeling and goes with it reacting without forethought. As opposed to John Wich.
    John Wich you see several time setting up his chessboard. Get each and every peace in place. Often with more then one plan in play at a time. Now even with all his planning does it go perfectly to plan, NO! Of course it never does. But one of his backup plans does.
    I would ha e to give this one to Wick for at least having a thought out plan and having the experience to adjust on the fly.

    Point goes to John Wick

  • Isaiah - 5 years ago

    I never read these and i was very proud of this article and how in depth it went.

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