What should have been done to Joel Poor for his remarks?


  • Ullrich Fischer - 4 years ago

    The proliferation of administrators at the expense of research and teaching positions is a huge problem at US and to a lesser degree Universities in other developed countries. It has lead to incentives which shift the primary concern of Universities from developing the intellectual potential of their students to making enough money to support all the empire-building parasitical administrators. That in turn has lead to astronomical tuition fees and the adoption of the "customer is always right" paradigm which other organizations where profit is the only motivator of policy pretty much have to adopt if they have any significant level of competition.

  • Jonathan Gallant - 4 years ago

    I suggest that the administrator who relieved Joel Poor of his reaching duties should be relieved of all
    administrative duties.

  • Teresa Carson - 4 years ago

    I think someone in administration (I wouldn't go above the department chair, in this case) should have said something to him because he, I assume, offended the student. Some people are just clueless, socially awkward, or not very sensitive and need to be reminded to think before they speak.

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