Who was out of line?


  • Shay - 3 years ago

    What white women lack in lips, ass, rhythm and hygiene they make up for in nerve and delusion!

  • Angela Shenk - 3 years ago

    Hey y'all.

    I have to say I have much disdain for Katie. Katie knew what she was doing - asking Denzel a stupid, partisan "gotcha" question and pretending like it was "neutral". They love to throw the rock and hide their hands and then act surprised when someone Black rebuffs them. He was polite and firm in his answer. But she kept coming for him. If she had some sense and less caucasity, she would have stopped when he answered her the first time. But she just had to show everyone who was boss and play the victim. I remember watching that interview and how livid I felt. Black folks knew exactly what she was doing. All Denzel was saying was he has just as much right to vote and be concerned about the community as anyone else. Being an actor doesn't disqualify him from civic duty. The media loves political actors as long as they are Saint Ronny, Clint, and Sonny Bono. Then after that, she went on and continues to go on an "I was only doing my job/I am a victim/I still like Denzel even though he was mean to me tour". Breaking news Katie: Denzel don't care.

    Thanks for the awesome show!

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