Is America Being Over-Sexed?


  • Anonymous - 4 years ago

    Women have never been condemned sexually in American culture so long as I’ve lived here. Not at all. In fact men are shamed sexually more than women. To say that exploiting women sexually (just look at how well that’s going for the Harvey Weinstein’s of Hollywood, you fools,) is empowering is disgusting to say the least. I’m going to guess a man wrote that last narrow minded comment.
    People who argue and say women should be used and abused sexually in the media for money making purposes and selfish lust and piggish antics from the sexual abusers in Hollywood should be ashamed of themselves. You people are the reason there is now a #metoo movement and focus on child sex trafficking, consequently mostly of young girls (hint hint Smallville.) maybe women’s well being and rights are more important than your selfish need for self gratification.

  • Anonymous Ant - 14 years ago

    Totally disagree with article and these comments before mine. Although they are right that women are oppressed, what they fail to see that the way that oppression is mainatined is by condemnig thier sexuality. Little girls are told "if you do it you are naughty, slut, whore, etc." just as these are being told right now by the puritannical masses. This is precisely why women do not grow up to their full potential. Instead of being confindent in themselves they grow up with horrible self esteem because although their sexual desire was condemned in their childhood and adolesence, THEY STILL HAVE IT and so they suffer feeling like part of themselves is a slut, whore, naughty, etc.

    If girls were told and actually praised (like men are) for being sexual, they would have confidence (like men do) and pride in themselves, then they would become better professionals, scientists, doctors, engineers, or... artists and dancers. You people are literally trying to put the cart before the horse by using school and education to supress female sexuality, WHEN IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Proud sexual girls and women would achieve so much more. Just look at the pride and resolve in these little girls.

    These girls and others like them, plus whoever promotes them should get a PRIZE.

    Puritanism must die!

  • lilian - 14 years ago

    America is being over-sexed and it's not even by choice, it's by force from the media, they refuse, I mean refuse to offer their audience anything else. Even network tv has become a slut box with the opening of the shows being a sex scene, a wild sex scene at that. It use to be you had to go to HBO and Showtime for that edge, it use to be a choice. Now it's just forced. Grey's Anatomy can't just be a good hospital show, it has to have some sexual nonsense and coat room smut......Just do a surgery and save a life, tell a good story. I was excited about watching Spartacus on the Starz network, but that decided that fighting and gladiator behavior wasn't priority. Writers need to stop being lazy and tell a good story or quit and let someone else who has better values and a better picture to paint of america have their writing job.

    How ridiculous can you be. Look at the success of shows and movies that they keep trying to remake from the 70s 80s 90s, I love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver, Family Matters, Growing Pains, etc, Those values haven't changed for all of America, but it seems like someone in media land is on a mission to turn this country into sodom and gomorrah

    Singers who want to sing about real love or just sing about fun topics don't get record deals, media attention or invites to shows, they get ignored for Beyonce who sings about being a naughty girl crazy in love with a man with a big ego that's too big and won't fit while she's wearing a swimsuit and heels. Beyonce is one of America's sweethearts and all she's been selling little kids is sex, who's fault is this, the media. What happy to all the Mandy Moore's and Raven Symone's of the industry, where's their frequent media coverage?

  • beany - 14 years ago

    For over 100 years women have been fighting to achieve equal treatment in human rights, education, profession, benefits etc. Let's use our knowledge and wit to attract attention and make the world a better place!

    Adulthood with all its freedom of expression and it resposibilities last decades. Sex comes with a boatload of resposibilities: STDs, teenage pregnancies, unwanted children who do not receive their fair share of love and care ... not to mention the daily routines of broken hearts and feelings of inadequacy or, on the flip side, feeling responsible for someone else's misery.
    I want my daughters to be children until they can handle the responsibilities.

    Let's teach our children to use their communication skills and their creative problem skills to attract attention, achieve a goal or make a difference. One can be exciting in more ways than sexually! Humor, intelligence, trustworthiness, comittment, compassion, persistence (the list goes on) makes people shine. Stong personalities don't need to use seduction to get ahead. Respect other people's dignity and preserve your own! I would like to argue that a person with the above mentioned characteristics will leave behind a much better and longer lasting impression on society than a sexy one-song wonder.

    Who is going to care about Monica Lewinsky? I already do not remember how to spell her name! People will always talk about Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Gertrude Stein, Amelia Earhart ... I hope that one day we can add another daughter to this list. Mine? Yours?

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