How old were you when you started caring about your looks?

1 Comment

  • Elizabeth - 14 years ago

    Great poll. I distinctively remember being about 6 years old and praying to God for the day when I could permanently straighten my hair, dye it blonde, for my nails to grow long so that I could paint then red, and to be thin.
    Crazy... but I think I just described Barbie. Barbie and Peggy Bundy were my role models.. I grew up in the 80s. On the flip side, I was lucky to have grown up with a mother who wasn't concerned about her outward appearance.. she had better things to do. And a father that complimented me and gave me a lot of self confidence. Thank goodness.
    I don't have little girls watching my every step, but I do have little boys whom I hope grow up with a true sense of what real beauty is. ... Moms with girls, please remember they are watching your every move. Be confident! Don't complain about the way you look, or be constantly concerned about your outward appearance.... otherwise you will be no different from their other role models on TV, etc.

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