Do you get odd symptoms after eating some foods?


  • RM - 1 year ago

    Occasionally I get an extremely itchy nose after and during eating which does not impact me massively, is very annoying. I’ve never been able to find a common denominator so I’ve found this really interesting. At first I thought it was turmeric however then it happened when this was not an ingredient. It does make sense that it’s when I’m contact with higher amounts of high histamine foods rather than one thing in particular. Asian food where there are a lot of spices and soy sauce is typically when it occurs for me.

  • Angela - 3 years ago

    I get severe itchy nose all the time, I have been diagnosed with intolerance to Sulphites, Sulphates and Salicylates and these occur naturally in many foods but are also added to meat/poultry as a preservative (neither of which I eat anyway). It is found in many fruits and vegetables, even tap water (luckily in the region where I live in the UK, the parts per million are relatively low, but it can vary from county to county). I have to take antihistamines every day. I have a list as long as my arm as what I need to seriously avoid (such as raw tomatoes) and what I can have in moderation with an antihistamine. You need to find what works for you and eliminate and experiment. Another point to make, it is in many cosmetics - worst case I had was a new face powder and it was awful, switch back to my normal brand and I was fine. Also - shampoos/conditioners can affect some people too.

  • Cassie - 3 years ago

    Well now I know why spicy food makes my nose run AND itch; (maybe) why nutmeg makes my nose itch; and why red wine and dark dark chocolate sometimes make me sneeze.

  • Gina - 4 years ago

    Thank you for the article as it's difficult to find answers for an itchy (outside) of the nose. I ate Chinese food and had soy sauce and cannot stop itching and scratching my nose! It's horrible! Now I know.

  • kay - 4 years ago

    I think my itchy nose may be related to drinking coffee.

  • Kelsey Flynn - 5 years ago

    I get an itchy nose after eating mixed nuts. Now, its only been the last year-ish and I have only been buying one kind of mixed nuts (Kirkland Signature Extra Fancy Mixed Nuts) but I didn’t have the problem when I 1st started buying them a couple years ago and I haven’t had the problem when I’ve eaten any of the types of nuts that are in this mix otherwise. ????????‍♀️

  • Sue - 7 years ago

    Red wine, blue cheese, hot sauce.

  • Debra - 7 years ago

    I have documented allergies (environmental & food). My nose itching only happens when I (rarely) eat out. But yesterday it happened here at home when I ate a pizza from the health food store (Against the Grain gourmet pizza-gluten free, nut free) I also added Colemans Organic Italian Chicken Sausage-no nitrates, nitrites, no msg. & drank water. I was wondering if the nose itch could have been brought on by the vegetable rennet in the pizza? I have also had the severe nose itching many times after a steak meal (when I've told the kitchen manager that I was allergic to anything derived from corn) sometimes wine was consumed with the meal & sometimes not. Rennet is used quite a lot in food prep I believe. I will be trying ice on my nose the next time this happens & taking something to stop the histamine. Thankyou for this article it has helped, But any other thoughts would be Greatly Appreciated by my irretated nose & I.

  • Kris - 7 years ago

    After eating crab I have the deepest and most irritating itch...Every time but it's so delicious I eat it anyway....'(:

  • Letty Alvarez - 7 years ago

    Primarily itchy nose and very itchy back and skin through my torso, legs and arms.

  • Erika - 8 years ago

    I have been getting an itchy nose (sometime when I eat wasabi, and lately everytime I eat a Fruit and Nut bar I've been getting a very itchy nose. The more I eat, the worse the symptoms. The ingredients are: Lecithin and Soy.
    I am not sure what is causing the itchy nose. But, it's really annoying.

  • Karen Santos - 8 years ago

    My nose gets itchy, my throat gets scratchy and I will sometimes sneeze. I have been going crazy trying to figure it out and it seems like it was from salad. I am narrowing it to tomatoes to see if that's it because I didn't eat salad tonight and my nose is itching like crazy - but I ate 2 small tomatoes just before dinner and had steak sauce which contains tomato sauce. Running my nose under cold water usually helps and a cold cloth. :)

  • Margaret Tinken - 8 years ago

    And I thought I was unique. Just finished a Chinese meal and yet again my nose is itchy and driving me mad. I now use as ointment called Eurax which makes the itching ease off quickly. At least I now know I Am not alone. The article was very interesting and helpful. Thank you. Margaret. Liverpool UK

  • G.Myers - 12 years ago

    My nose and face around my mouth get very itchy after most meals - it can get so bad that the only thing that soothes it is a wet cloth or a piece of ice....which embarrasses my fiance ;)

  • Magaly - 12 years ago

    My nose gets itchy after I eat bread, pizza, or too much sugar.Sometimes parts of my face and body also begins to itch. The itch is very superficial except at the tip of the nose where it gets pretty annoying.

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