• yasmin lee - 13 years ago

    this is utterly despicable, these people who burnt the Quran call themselves people of religion!I have never seen such disgusting, deeming , evil behavior in my life. I do not understand why some people Hate on a specif group of people or religion especially if they have no Idea about it. At the end of the day there are innocent people who will get offended by this, it's not right. Some people are just narrow- minded and ignorant if they can not respect other people's belief. people shouldn't go around hating each other and professing hate, especially so called religious people therefore, these people are CONTRADICTIONS!. just because you do not agree with something that doesn't mean you go around and creating hostility. Most Muslim people did not agree with 9/11 and what small minded terrorists did, so why attack the vast majority of Muslim people with this atrocious act. This just makes you just as bad as the terrorists!

  • Heena - 13 years ago

    Hi I feel pity on those who dont try to understand Gods will......Quran is a book of interpretation and use it according to time and not all the words all the time.. If you read the book and gave it the title as a violent book your mind is corrupted and not the book your mind is steryotypical mind like devil.... if you say about quranic few versus ill ask you on reading just one verse where bible is safe: Mathews 8: Read its written that Jesus said he didnt come for peace but sword what do you mean by this.....My Question????????

    I am Muslim and proud to be one
    its a book of peace and Love

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