Is It Okay For Christians To Do Pole Dancing Workouts?


  • Ashley - 10 years ago

    THEY ARE NOT STRIPPING!!! Lol!! Smh!!! We Christians can be soooo over the top and judgemental these days... Smh. HELP US ALL LORD!!!

  • Veronica - 11 years ago

    The scripture says "shun the very appearance of evil". As for exercise, it's a million other exercises out there to do! Why do anything that may cause others to stumble or question. Yes you don't try to please others when you know who you are, but see now you got all these questions of what salvation is or isn't. It's stirring confusion, which God is not the author of. Same with acting roles. For example, Steve Harvey assumed David Mann drank because of a role be played, and David Mann had to repeat twice that he's never had a drink in his life. Not that he had to convine Steve, but the point is what people will associate you with and then begin to believe that behaviors that might be deemed questonable is ok to engage in, because he or she is doing it. There has to be a difference somewhere and a standard set!! Just my opinion.

  • Nikki - 12 years ago

    I believe they should have left the pole class out of the show. People already think that most christians are fake and pole exercising will just give them more amunition. Over the years the society has painted a picture of how christians should dress, where we should go, our conduct and so much more. We have to remember we our representing christ, so I agree with one of the other comments(What would Jesus Do?). If you knew at that very moment Jesus was in that class watching you, would you do it? Now days people are moving so far away from God. I have heard people out there saying, why should I get save? Most so called christians are doing, wearing and behaving the same as sinners. Erica just have to remember that thousands of people are watching. It did not help the situation when their sister Goo, said "Maybe I should not do this, I might be tempted to show these new moves to my boyfriend." Also, Goo, their niece and in-law were acting like hoochies when they were trying to encourage Mary Mary to go to a club. Just be careful Mary Mary about what you display on your show. People are already saying that you are too close to R & B and you know that. Again, just be mindful of what you share with the world.

  • Tasha J. - 12 years ago

    Its not what you do, its how you do it! With that said as a child of God I see nothing wrong with pole dancing as a form of exercise, as a matter of fact I want to take lessons. I am 10 years married and I would like to dance for my husband. Again its not what you do but how you do it. And YES, I am called to be in the ministry!

  • L.Keaton - 12 years ago

    I believe that people shouldn't judge based on what is being seen, but your character. Yes pole dancing is associated with exotic dancers but that's catagorizing and being discriminative. It was done in the privacy of their family & what was shown on television wasn't exposing any form of seduction. It was a work out.

  • Cheryl - 12 years ago

    I understand both sides - we have to be careful not to make weak/new converts stumble. There is nothing wrong with poll dancing for your husband, having fun with your sisters learning the exercise, but having it video taped may leave liberty for it to be taken out of context. If you've done it in your heart, you've already done it! Spice up your marriage - keep it hot. Fulfill your husband's dreams and wishes, then you will have a clear conscience that you've done what you could as a wife! Enjoy being married - no condemnation!

  • Mone - 12 years ago

    It is wrong when your motive behind the act is wrong. Exercise is good for your physical, emotional and spiritual body. Zumba exercise can be very provocative for some. My husband will do Aqua Zumba with me because everyones bodies are under water but he feels uncomfortable being in the room with majority women in a regular Zumba class because of the body movements. A pole dancing exercise class is probably a excellent workout.

  • Jocelyn - 12 years ago

    I am a Christian woman and have been happily married for 11 years. I have participated in pole dancing classes and have had great fun. I also see nothing wrong with a married woman keeping fit in this way as well as possibly adding spice to her marriage. I do agree that we must be careful with what we put out there for the world to see as to not cause others to stumble. I don't think anyone can say its a sin. It's not black and white. Drinking alcohol is not black and white unless you are drunken. The list goes on and on. I think it's one of those Christian liberties and if it brings conviction to your heart then you definitely should not participate. In this area, I am excercising my freedom in Christ. People don't judge each other and throw stones. Excercise grace and speak in love! That's my 2 cents.

  • Jeanette - 12 years ago

    If that's the way she feels about the pole than she shouldn't do it. But couldn't people say the same about reality shows, playing your music on other station ei, I feel like I know the Mary Mary sister and I've never met them. Y'al music speaks for you!

  • Rev. Allan B - 12 years ago

    This was more of a pole work out as oppossed to sexual type nasty dance to entertain the wrong folk(trying to be nice).

  • Shau - 12 years ago

    When someone is married it is ok because I'm sure she's not going to be a stripper but dance for her husband...smh

  • ARW - 12 years ago

    Well, I think everyone in here saying it's wrong ago just go live in a bubble somewhere. It's a workout. So making it more than what it is.

  • Karla - 12 years ago

    It is a workout routine. The old church did not believe in going to the movies, ball game, perming their hair, drinking coke all in the name of the "wordly behaviour". This is a married woman who has a license to participate--bedroom undefiled. I grew up Pentecostal and go to a Zumba class where we shake and dance--that is not consistent with my Pentecostal upbringing. Is that worldly or just good exercise? Sometimes I wonder what Jesus we are reading about. Jesus did not spend the majority of his time in the Temple with the Jews(church people) Jesus was in the marketplace, hanging out by the sea, walking thru the desert, meeting women caught in the act of adultery and exchanging wits with the Samaritan woman befor introducing her to God.. Perhaps the love of God/ her treasure in an earthen vessel will reach out to someone while she is in the class.

  • Tameca - 12 years ago

    I think that's it's fine. She is doing it for the purpose of exercise the and if she wants to use any of those exercise moves she learns in her Christian bedroom with her Christian husband that's her Christian business. I think some people need to lighten up and stop taking things out of context and blowing things up to be more than it is simply because they choose not to do it.

  • Ms. T - 12 years ago

    It is wrong on so many cases. As Christians we should promote the upbuilding of God's kingdom. Pole Dancing is not one rather it be for fitness or what it is wrong. We should not want to be like the world but show the world how to be like us which is Christ Like. Remember the Israelites that were seeking the promise land. They turned and worshipped Baal of Peor because of Baalam who wanted to put a curse on the Israelites but God would not allow. So he came up with ways to provoke them and make God angry at them.One of these gods was a pole that women would do sexual acts on in hopes of becoming pregnant by Baal! So the pole can mean so much more if you look at it in a Christian aspect. Just be careful what you put out there the world already hates us!!!

  • Lonnie - 12 years ago

    Why do we try to justify things we do that are not right? There are hundreds of other things ladies can do to tone their bodies. Pole dancing is wrong, wrong, and simply just wrong! What would Jesus do? What would Jesus say? If you truly don't feel convicted when taking part in these worldly things, then you may want to take inventory on yourself!

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    I not only think it is a shame for christians to do the same things that the world does; I know it
    is is a shame before GOD. According to II Corinthians 6:17, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, said the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." So to Brenda, who excused the pole for a routine fitness, I have seen "PRAISE DANCERS" sweat to praise songs and drop the pounds. Same goes to Faye, Toya, and MTorain. Eve did not collect money in the garden, but when she & Adam did led to death. Please people, let us not give the enemy a foothold. It is wrong, and you cannot make it right with your finite reasonings. We are to resist sin/temptation and not give in to it. Don't we see how crafty satan is? He is going to and fro seeking for those who will give him opportunity. Have mercy on us Oh, LORD.

  • Tina Stewart - 12 years ago

    I think Tina was right they are on tv everybody is watching. We should live our lives according to the word of GOD. If other people see them doing it that is an open door for the devil to step in and use it to his advanage.

  • Calmwind - 12 years ago

    Why would Christians want to mimic anything that is associated with the world. What happened to all things being new, and all things being of Go
    d? 1 Cor 5:17
    There are hundreds of other tasteful exercise routines.

  • Faye Dixon - 12 years ago

    Nothing wrong with it. It's the motive behind something that makes it wrong and that goes for anybody christain or not. I applaud her for going out and doing something out of the ordinary what you do in your home is your business. She's not collecting money for it nor doing it publicly.

  • TOYA - 12 years ago

    I think it's an exercise just like any other toning and aerobic activity...and if u are in your own home or in a classroom setting it shouldn't be a problem. Also putting it in another frame if my husband doesn't mind or wants it in the home that is also ok...where it's ungodly is when it's done in a club in front of people who are not your husband.

  • MTorain - 12 years ago

    A person can do whatever they please, be they Christian or not. The issue is the image you desire to project. If this is for public viewing, exercise or whatever else, as a Christian you do have things to consider, ie. 1Thess.5:22; we should not be a stumbling block to the weaker Christians nor a spectacle for the world.

  • Brenda Smith - 12 years ago

    As long as it is just a routine fitness program and that's all it should be okay. But it if is done for anything else than thats a problem.

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