Was the principal right to send students home after the bike ride?


  • Jan Kaufman - 12 years ago

    So what does she do to any other student who rides their bike to school? Do they get suspended too?

    This is just ridiculous and put such a damper on a time when those kids should be celebrating their accomplishments.

    I'm REALLY Proud of then for thinking ahead and asking for a police escort! The officer did a GREAT Service for the kids and for that community helping to ensure their safety.

    Kids - You ROCK! I'm SO proud of each and every one of you. Keep doing what you're doing! You've made this ol' lady proud to know there are so many great kids out there.

    Enjoy Livin'

  • Claudia - 12 years ago

    I take it that if the principal had known she would have cancelled the event. The students who participated were happy they were graduating and wanted to do so in a big way, why spoil their last day. This principal reacted she said, out of her emotions which was really her anger and betrayal by the students who she had no control over on their special day. Shame on you! I congratulate you seniors for a mature job well done!

  • Brady - 12 years ago

    If you read Pennington's email sent on the first day, you can see how offended she was that the kids had blindsided her. She claims safety was an issue, but then turned around and sent the students home on those same "dangerous roads" now without a police escort. She considered it a prank .. also stated in her email... and she was obviously angry that they had defied her zero tolerance policy. Need we even mention that this was before school... not during school? Two hours of meeting with parents on the first day and she still didnt come to reason. It doesn't surprise me that she wouldn't return CNN calls... she didn't show up to the school board meeting either. So many things wrong with this whole thing. And, P. Lanagan... who cares that they didn't notify her? Weren't you ever a kid? Of course the fun is in keeping it a surprise... it's senior prank day... and they decided as a group not to do something malicious... but notifying adminstration? Come on! That is my biggest beef with Pennington. Let it go, already! Even in her apology statement she says yet one more time that she wishes they had told her. Sounds like a whiny spoiled child to me. The kids are so much more mature in their handling of the situation from their foresight in organization at the beginning to their thoughtful (although unnecessary) apology to her at the school board meeting at the end of the day. Kudos to you, Kenowa Hills High School students class of 2012!

  • Justin - 12 years ago

    what the CNN story does not tell you is that one of the students recorded the insulting tirade the principal went on when she sent the students home. go to woodtv.com im sure you can find it there. Im a local here in Walker with kids in the same disctrict. This was completely harmless and the kids should be praised for including the police ahead of time. I am happy that this is being made up the the kids that were suspended.

  • JP - 12 years ago

    Sad very sad. Is childhood lost forever? Are these prisioners in a jail? Are children aloud to have fun in these days? In the old days we had fun and pranks and nobody got killed and we all grew up and became respectable people. These are children not machines for God's sake let them be children.

  • shari - 12 years ago

    First, the principal obviously is fool. Second, this just goes to show how STUPID the "zero tolerance" policies that schools now adopt are. Life isn't ZERO TOLERANCE, it's about putting things in perspective and making sound judgements.

  • P Lanagan - 12 years ago

    If this was such a harmless event, why could the students not have coordinated with their school administration?

  • J. Shuler - 12 years ago

    This over-reaction is typical of many petty bureaucrats and too many of them become school administrators. The school board should send this drone home and find sombody with good sense to be principal.

  • Rick - 12 years ago

    Clearly the youth these days are getting more and more organized because of social networking.... They planned a 100 person bike ride into school?!!! Thats awesome I wish my classmates could have all been on the same page and did something cool like this. Also WTF did the principal think when she sent home 60 students, Im sure thats something they will always remember..... How the dumas principal gave us a day off because shes a retaerd and didn't know anything about an awesome event we planned ourselves.... GO STUDENTS RIDE ON!!!!!

  • carol - 12 years ago

    it was not a prank....the principle is an idiot....she should worry about this when her contract comes up!!!!

  • Raggedyann - 12 years ago

    Wow ... look how many times the principal voted!

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