• shaneka - 12 years ago

    Clearly this child needs help. Something is not right with this child. I dont think an ass whooping is the answer. He needs professional help ASAP. CPS needs to get involve. Keeping this child in my prayers!!!

  • Jamila - 12 years ago

    This child clearly knew what he was doing. When the so called guardian asked what was wrong, he hunched his shoulders and said he didn't know. He needs to be evaluated. His home and parents should also be evaluated and he should spend some time in a facility to understand why he would continually brutalize those children. I also hope they have shut down that awful Day Care Center. I am a mother who would go to war if that was my child!!

  • Marsia - 12 years ago

    When i saw this video all i could do is tear up. This could have easily been one of my grandchildren. This child cearly needs counseling. It seems to me that his mom does too. This abuse was not just to 1 and 2 year olds. The child in the walker could not have been any more then 10 months old. Thst child deemed to be in a daze after all that punching, biting, and pinching. But before he gets counseling he needs a good ole fashioned ass whooping because he clearly knew what he was doing. Meds or no meds. Im so tired of hearing how we shouldn beat our children. Well an ass whooping aint never hurt me and i got plenty when i did something wrong. IM NOT SAYING BREAK ARMS AND LEGS. Im just saying beat an ass save a life.

  • Marsia - 12 years ago

    When i saw this video all i could do is tear up. This could have easily been one of my grandchildren. This child cearly needs counseling. It seems to me that his mom does too. This abuse was not just to 1 and 2 year olds. The child in the walker could not have been any more then 10 months old. Thst child deemed to be in a daze after all that punching, biting, and pinching. But before he gets counseling he needs a good ole fashioned ass whooping because he clearly knew what he was doing. Meds or no meds. Im so tired of hearing how we shouldn beat our children. Well an ass whooping aint never hurt me and i got plenty when i did something wrong. IM NOT SAYING BREAK ARMS AND LEGS. Im just saying beat an ass save a life.

  • Denise - 12 years ago

    As a mother of 2 - I am concerned about this 9 year old becoming a teenager/adult and these issues not being addressed. The Day care needs to have it's license revoked -he should not be in a room with toddlers - The adults are at fault here Mother and Workers! Also, what is the 9 year old seeing at home?

  • Janna - 12 years ago

    I worked in the child care business for a while and there is no reason the 9 yr old should have been in the room with children not in his age group. Why was he even in the room and was the worker afraid of him to tell him to go back to his class or what. It makes no sense. Also the mother said he takes medication and is a normal child. Hitting on toddlers is not normal. Sometimes children pick up violence from home or from tv shows that are not appropiate. I think the little boy needs an ass whooping personally but I know thats not the way but a good couseling session with child and mother needs to be in play. And that worker that was in the room needs an ass whooping too. Once again I know that doesnt solve anything but she should not be able to work around kids anymore period especially if shes gonna turn a blind eye.

  • Sherry - 12 years ago

    I think the child needs to be taken from the parents and the parents should serve some time or at least do some community service work. The mother CLEARLY stated and I quote, "He bad, he on medication ...........aaaaandddd he just a normal child." FIRST of ALL - that implies that SHE KNOW'S that he's a problemed child and SECONDLY there is NOTHING NORMAL about a 9yr old boy BEATING and TERRORIZING 2 & 3 yrs old toddlers - PERIOD. This child does NOT need to be co-mingled with children, ESPECIALLY if there is NO ONE in the facility that has been PROPERLY TRAINED to deal with behaviorly challenged children. MOM showed just how IGNORANT, APATHETIC and UNFIT she is to be a parent if she's going to justify his behavior by proclaiming the her son is NORMAL!!!

  • Sherry - 12 years ago

    I think the child needs to be taken from the parents and the parents should serve some time or at least do some community service work. The mother CLEARLY stated and I quote, "He bad, he on medication ...........aaaaandddd he just a normal child." FIRST of ALL - that implies that SHE KNOW'S that he's a problemed child and SECONDLY there is NOTHING NORMAL about a 9yr old boy BEATING and TERRORIZING 2 & 3 yrs old toddlers - PERIOD. This child does NOT need to be co-mingled with children, ESPECIALLY if there is NO ONE in the facility that has been PROPERLY TRAINED to deal with behaviorly challenged children. MOM showed just how IGNORANT, APATHETIC and UNFIT she is to be a parent if she's going to justify his behavior by proclaiming the her son is NORMAL!!!

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