Should hospitals stop offering baby formula to encourage new mothers to breast-feed?


  • Gigi - 12 years ago

    If a mom has to be on medication for her health that would harm the baby, such as steroids for asthma or other problems, that baby MUST have formula and not mother's milk! Mayor Bloomberg is going too far and needs educated about this topic. Interesting that he, a man, is giving this edict to women! As the saying goes, "If men were the childbearers (and breast feeders), there would be very few children born."

  • Mom - 12 years ago

    It is an option and if parents want to use it, they should pay for it. Formula is substandard when up against breastmilk. The health benefits for Mom and baby would save the tax payers millions if more Mom's were breastfeeding and lets face it, it's all about money to most people.

  • Sharon - 12 years ago

    He has the frikkin nerve ! Who does he think he is, telling women how they should feed their newborn! If I was having a baby in a hospital in New York, I would transfer immediately

  • Jenni - 12 years ago

    I just recently ran into this issue in May after having my son. No formula or pacifiers were offered or provided but rather discouraged (at the hospital we were at). I also experienced disapproval from the hospital of using the nursery. For the record I'm still nursing my son and plan to until he's able to have whole milk. I do believe this choice belongs to the parents. As they say every baby/parent is different we can't assume one way works for everyone. Having children is a blessing let's not make it any harder on the parents.

  • Jodi - 12 years ago

    This should ALWAYS be an option for women to either breastfeed or use formula. My children are doing great and they were formula fed. I think he has a lot of guts even trying to make this happen. All I can say is, REALLY?????

  • Bettianne - 12 years ago

    I learned this poem in nursing school:

    Breast milk is dandy
    It's always handy
    And comes in such lovely containers.

    I wanted to breastfeed my children. As a nurse I knew it was better for them, but due to a phyical problem on my part, I couldn't. All three of my formula feed children thrived, did well, and were (and still are in their 30's) healthy as horses. It should be left to the individual mother, not the government. Where are we living? Nazi Germany?? Unbelievable!!!!
    BTW, my prayers to Stephani and her family.

    Have a super day :)

  • kathy - 12 years ago

    If he were the one breast feeding I doubt this would be an issue. He would understand it's not always convenient.

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