Vote! Do YOU think Nick should apologize to Rachel?


  • Willie - 12 years ago

    Can not agree more.... HE WON THE GAME fair and square. I absolutely loved the finale, including his explanation on why he decided what he did. What is there more to discuss?

  • tania - 12 years ago

    She didn't deserve to win whenever thought of his feelings when she was partner with him she made it loud an clear so I'm glad he took all the money,he was genuine from beginning others weren't

  • Chips - 12 years ago

    She was ready to leave anyway, they had no bond, she made it hard for him, but most importantly it's a GAME. Nick needs NOT apologize to anyone, well played Nick.. well played.

  • tish - 12 years ago

    No need to apologize ! Nick won the game nothing says that he had to share Rachel and Nick were partners by default. Rachel is a sore looser!

  • Jaclyn - 12 years ago

    Why would he apologize? He played the game and won. He won a GAME. You dont apologize to your friends after beating them in poker.

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