Are fan reactions getting out of hand?


  • Bill Barlow - 12 years ago

    Ok,anyone that says they don't watch football for the hits or racing for the wrecks is lying. Dale Jr. is a pussy and a jerk. yes,I met himonce. Wouldn't sign an autograph for a 12 yr old cause it wasn't his hat. Richard Petty signed it,wasn't his hat either.
    These people make an awful lot of money. If they are afraid or scared or don't undertand the risks they take in these sports,Quit!
    You don't go back and cry and whine about it. Or sue because you got a concussion!

  • jody - 12 years ago

    i believe WAY to much attrntion is given to sports in general. especially high and jr high schools. here in Cali our schools have lost they're music and arts classes but by God they still have ALL of the sports teams

  • Larry S - 12 years ago

    With the good lord having given me seventy one years so far, I have certainly seen my share of contact sports. I have been a great fan of both College and Pro football for over sixty years. NASCAR is also a long time favorite along with DIRT BIKE RACING. I have been a boxing fan ever since I can remember, that's prize fighting not MMA. When I was growing up bad guys got shot and fell down or off of their horses, there heads didn't blow up with blood splattering everywhere. My generation didn't have those violent video games shoved down our throats for four or five hours everyday. However we did have wars (Korea & Vietnam) to name but two. Wars where real people died or got disabled for life. Wars that not all agreed with, which in my humble opinion will always be the case in a free society. These wars weather you served or not were brought to us daily on TV. Now did any or all of this desensitize me or make me less caring or emotional when I see people injured. I don't believe it did actually quite the contrary is true. As I age I find that my empathy for others when witnessing such events has grown, not decreased. Speaking for myself I believe without reservation, that fans will always be a reflection of the times they live in. --- Larry

  • Troll - 12 years ago

    I agree with Chimcon.. you are paid entertainers smashing into each other with helmets and shields. You want money, fame and glory? Pick up a sword and defend your life.

    We've glorified these 'athletes' and should return to the days of the Roman Coliseum - if you suck, you die.

    Our planet is getting overpopulated anyways - Gladitorial sports would create jobs and reduce the population, we would be rid of the violent criminals from prison (saving more money, allowing for reduction in taxes), it would increase local economy and tax revenues, a win/win/win/win situation.

    Take pro athletes who want fame, fortune and glory, and toss them in a pit with the gang bangers who think violence is glory and that they have 'no other way out', empty the prisons into the pits, and have a free-for-all, and charge $199.99 for the pay-per-view event WITH $5 Million per 30 second commercials...

    I lost interest in pro-sports as a child and only watch it when guests ask me to turn the channel. It sickens me that owners charge people a hundred dollars for horrible seats in humongous stadiums and charge several hundreds of dollars for a single seat up front and center.

    Pro sports are the downfall of civilization - I can't wait for people to realize that their lives would be better fulfilled if they stopped cheering on multi-millionaires who would leave their precious teams without a single thought for more money and paid attention to their families again.

    I'd be happy to see pro sports go - along with the over-glorified collegiate athletics system - too many retarded college athletes getting pushed through the big systems just so they can bring in revenues for the school and in hopes that those idiots taking puff classes at UNC go pro... I'm specifically talking about Football, Men's Basketball, Men's Baseball, etc.

    Stop filling our youth's heads with dreams of glory, and prepare them for the real world - instead of teaching a curve ball, teach them finance, instead of kicking a fieldgoal, team them negotiations, instead of shooting a three pointer, teach them calculus. Instead of paying grown children to play childhood games, pay teachers and police officers.

  • Tom - 12 years ago

    Why do you think I quit watching the NBA? Wasn't a game of skill anymore. The biggest and toughest won, not the skilled payers

  • Colby Watson - 12 years ago


  • steve - 12 years ago

    I live in KC, saw the game and have been a fan for decades. My neighbor's a sportscaster in town and he was lets say surprised to hear Winstons comments. And I'll defend his right to say what he did. I wasnt so much offended but think he got it a little wrong. We are not just nice but overly nice in this town. 99% werent wanting to see anyone's blood. But we all drive slowly by a good wreck now dont we?
    If you've been to ANY football game in the last decade, you'll see one thing; a preponderance of half drunk low-rent white people (same w/NASCAR) with a couple bucks in their pockets. You know thats the truth and dont try to deny it. And yes, I'm a white guy.
    Think I'm wrong? Go to a game and tell me it dosent look like a cross between an audition for Hee Haw, the Beverly Hillbillies and King of the Hill (later set in Texas of course).
    But we deserve a better football product than the crap that the incompetent mgmt around here puts on the field in this town. Especially at those prices.
    Yes, there were certainly a VERY few sick people glad to see Cassel hurt (and I hope they never go to a game again) most people were just glad Cassel wasnt playing. The coaches, GM and especially the owner, are such morons that the only way Cassel gets off the field is on a stretcher. They're really that stoopid. Really.
    The solution here is this; fire the GM, waive Cassel after the season (Orton the best QB went to Dallas. He wanted no part of Pioli's monkey circus here). And while it'll never happen, lil' Mr Clarke Hunt, the runt progeny of true Texas robber oil baron (who with his two brothers tried to corner the silver market in the 80's? No one's THAT greedy?? Look it up) should sell the team to a local owner and go back and carpetbag in Texas where he belongs.
    And the solution to the NFL elsewhere? Force ALL owners (except Green Bay) to sell their teams to local ownership of the city, county or elected public sports board like in Green Bay. You;ll get two outcomes; one ticket prices etc will fall in half overnight and two you'll get a few folks running things that care about the game, the players and the true fans. You know, the ones that DONT cheer when someone gets knocked unconscious.

  • MarkinFL - 12 years ago

    Some of the the fans are nothing but bloodthirsty goons. When you cheer the fact that a player got injured, you are no longer a sports fan, you are simply sick.

  • Chimcon - 12 years ago

    If you want to complain about fans, give back your millions of dollars and go work at CVS. You are entertainers, and in contact sports we pay to see contact. These athletes are ridiculous. No one is twisting your arm to play, get out if you don't like it.

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