Vote! Do you think Sarah Palin looks dangerously thin?


  • sabrina - 11 years ago

    Haven't heard anything from the Queen of Mean for a few days. Lots of people laughing and thinking that somehow her negative comments about the US and our government feeds right into terrorists radical beliefs and behaviors. Silence is golden--but now we see all of the Palins--even Willow and Piper Cub and Trippsy and Bristol and Toad and $arah -all are wearing glasses, even though doctors have said that Sarah wears glasses not because of poor vision but because she makes them look more intellectual. In Sarah's case, not sure that once she opens her mouth and releases all her messages of bitterness and hatred, that she shows that she is intelligent. More likely she gives the impression that she repeats what her mentors like Limbaugh want her to say and that she is just an out of control radical trying to give an extreme message. Sarah Palin is anti-American and hides behind a "pretend" religion to try to stir up divisiveness and constant turmoil.

  • Trevor - 11 years ago

    Family of grifters who keep begging for money for her PAC--then spends it all on herself. Me-Me-Me is just an ignorant little twit from the wilds of Alaska who wants to fit in with the Hollywood Crowd. She is a professional--looks like she should be walking the streets and turning tricks in her tight little pants and off the shoulders tops and expensive shoes.. FOX offered her only 10% of what she thought she was worth--so she quit. That was the longest job she ever held and she required daily teaching from Greta and Sean prior to answering any questions. What an idiot--she criticized the President for using a teleprompter at the same time she was reading her speech from one. Hypocrite when she bragged about having a special needs son but didn't see any reason why she should stay home and take care of him. Trigg was only brought out when the media were there for pictures and he calls his nannies Mama rather than Sarah. Hard to convince the voters that Republicans stand for family values when Sarah's own family has none.

  • Carlos - 11 years ago

    Majority of people think Sarah Palin looks ill or is on drugs. Hardly looks fit. Maybe she is trying to compete with Bristol or Willow and that is why she is wearing hair styles and lipstick and clothes like she is back in high school. Maybe her book is about how to drink from the fountain of youth and then she will try to reinvent herself so she isn't behaving like the President of the mean girls club. Willow sure seems more mature than both Scarah and Brisdull combined.

  • Wally - 11 years ago

    so nice not to have to hear from the Palins on a daily basis. Did she lay off some of her flunkies she hired to write about her?

  • Katie - 11 years ago

    Haven't heard anything from the Palins lately. Have they finally gotten the message that everyone just wants them to shut up and go back to Wasilla (well--everyone except the citizens of Wasilla.) A poll was taken in Wasilla and there is more respect for Levi and his family than Bristol and her family of grifters. Seems like Levi has settled down and has gotten a job and isn't the fame whore or celebrity wannabee that he wanted to be. Not sure that the Palins will ever get to that level of maturity. This taking pills and vomitting to get skinny and write a book is nothing but a joke--who wants to look like you are only skin and bones? Hopefully the Palins have all gone into rehab and that is why we aren't hearing their daily comments criticizing the President and acting like they are loved by all.

  • marla - 12 years ago

    It looks like the Palins might be eating sick animals like bear or wolves or bad fish--this is certainly not how the majority of Americans want to look. Skinny scrawny, maybe Sarah has cancer or some parasite like worms--she looks just awful. Butt ugly--trying to compete with Willow and Bristol for the attention but now looking like she is older than her own mother! Grizzly Granny looks like she bought some new teeth--nice and white and sharp but not a good look. Is this the same dentist who did Bristol's chin--post his name so none of us go there!

  • Idesign09 - 12 years ago

    Funny how all of you haters are okay with other celebrities weighing less. You must all be be fat and demorats!

  • Helena - 12 years ago

    Poor Sarah. All that money spent on liposuction and botox and she looks worse than she did four years ago. All that money wasted. Certainly looks like a bitter, full of hatred person. Actions speak louder than words and everyone knows the Palins aint Christians.

  • Bonnie - 12 years ago

    Gives the message that whatever wild animal steaks the Palins are killing, the rest of the country doesn't want to go there. Looks like Sarah won't need a Halloween costume this year--she can just go as a walking skeleton.

  • Adelle - 12 years ago

    We can only assume that she has cancer or some serious illness. Only a Bimbo like Sarah Palin would try to profit from her illness. Maybe she has worms from eating all the bear or wolf meat.... Read the book and you will find it is another attempt to get her attention and line her bank account. Sarah Palin has no energy to go on the campaign trail and cheerlead for any of the candidates--is this because they don't want her to come because she is the kiss of death or because she wants to keep all the money in her SuperPAC for herself? Come election night she will be bragging about how she hand selected all the Tee Party and GOP candidates who win. And of course, the night after the debates or the election, we will hear from the Queen of Mean--that will give her a chance to hear all the comments from the live reporters about the results of the debates or elections and then parrot back whatever has been said. Poor Hannity and van Susteren will give her all the questions and answers in advance, and she will still come across as an uninformed yoyo from the wilds of Alaska. It will be nice when her contract with FOX is up and we start hearing from someone who can speak in complete sentences rather than word salad--and someone who actually has completed a job rather than quitting and whining because they lack the experience or knowledge.

  • sherry - 12 years ago

    Look at the before and after pictures--she looks way too thin-like death warmed over and she needs to go to rehab. Only a fool would want to buy her book because obviously she doesn't have the slightest idea of what is ideal. She has aged about thirty years--plastic surgery doesn't make her look better--only looks fake, old and tired.

  • Margaret Mcdougall - 12 years ago

    At her age (our age thinness makes her look old)

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