What is your reaction?


  • Charode - 11 years ago

    I found it ironic that she paid with a credit card. She could have added the tip on the credit card...what would have been the problem. Especially when she had the nerve to spend that much just to eat. She gives single mom's a bad name. I know plenty of single mom's that will go out to eat but would still tip. So why does she think that she is different? Is she trying to say that single moms can't tip?

  • sue - 11 years ago

    STOP using being a single mom as an excuse!!!!

  • nae - 11 years ago

    I feel that if she spend that much on a meal she could have left a tip. And she is one that feel like leaving a tip is optional then she should have not wrote single mom sorry on the reciept, like someone is suppose to feel sorry for her. $139 could have brought groceries, gas for a month, or something that her kids might have needed; not a dinner.

  • Soooo... - 11 years ago

    There are a whole lot of things left out of this picture. How many people did it cover? Was it a group outing. Maybe the cost of the meal was all she had. The only crass thing she did was write "single mom, sorry." This to me shows she felt bad about not tipping and wanted to let the person know why - she's not required to give a reason. It's her money. Tipping is an extra; it is not required. She's not required to make up the server's salary, but it is the expectation of the restaurant so they can get away with charging such a low hourly rate, so they don't have to pay her . It is not the woman's responsibility to offset the server's salary. Many people tip and many people don't.

  • retiredwaitress - 11 years ago

    as a retired waitress people like that piss me off... if you can afford to spend that much on a meal you can afford to tip. we work our butts off to make money. at 2.13 a hour i raised 3 kids as a SINGLE mother.. i would NEVER ever think about going into a place to eat and not leaving a tip if the service was great.... i hope the single mother never goes back into that place and gets the same server cause i know what i would do {nothing harmful}. but they would get the no tip service.

  • fubar - 11 years ago

    If the service was great, there is no excuse for not leaving a tip. If the service was poor, leave a lousy tip, or if you're a total jerk, no tip. But "single mom" is a crappy reason to stiff the wait staff who served you a fine meal. How clueless can you be?

    If I were "single mom" I would avoid going back to that restaurant ever again. You never know what you're going to get in your gravy next time.

  • Stephanie Mathews - 12 years ago

    I'm so sorry to everyone out there who thinks a tip is "optional" at a sit-down restaurant. It is most definitely NOT! I am a former waitress and have countless friends still in the business and I can tell you with an extremely straight face that NONE of us enjoy being someone's personal servant for free! Not only do we make under $2.60 per hour (Oklahoma) plus your "optional" tip, we also have other staff to tip out at the end of our shift(i.e. bus, bar, kitchen,etc). So, by your stiffing me, I'm now responsible to cover you on tipping everyone else who bent over backward to cater to your every need. I too, am a single mother, but if I've got that amount of loot to spend on dinner, I've got enough to tip. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to dine out. Period. I hear fast food restaurants still offer "free" service....

  • Ron - 12 years ago

    Rude does not cover the expression for this act of disrespect. Who is to say that the server was not a single parent. Even a 10% tip would have been acceptable and not insulting. The server spent time waiting on her when she could have been waiting on another that would have tipped.
    In essence it was robbery with out a gun. I know tipping is optional not mandatory but it is respectful.

  • lance - 12 years ago

    And by the way gratuity is normally only added if a table has eight guests or more. Unfortunately there is very little to protect a server from an idiot like this.

  • lance - 12 years ago

    What kind of person could possibly think it's OK to not leave a tip on $138 tab

  • carol - 12 years ago

    dam i thing if she spent that much money she shpuld of left a tip dam those people work for tips they dont make big bucks in being a waitress or server she should of keep her ass at home the dumb bitch

  • w - 12 years ago

    If this actually happened, which I doubt, she could have added it to her credit card (it is a credit transaction) and budgeted for paying it later. Even those on fixed income do it regularly.

  • carole - 12 years ago

    This is about like the political ad showing the running mom in the 250.00 jogging suit pushing the $350.00 three wheel baby stroller complaining about the Obama economy !

  • hmmmm - 12 years ago

    they usually add gratuity already for such a large bill. although she didnt have to leave a tip if she didnt want to, she makes herself look like an idiot to say i am a single mom who cant afford a tip, however, i will spend $138 on dinner when i couldve bought groceries.

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