Was the prejudice Against the Brown family wrong?


  • JohnsWife - 12 years ago

    I was told on facebook that the museum was closed the day the Browns visited. Whatever the case may be we need to realize that there are so many many people who are still persecuted and discriminated against because of their beliefs. Just think of how many innocent people have died fighting so that we can live in a free country, only to still be expected to conform to other peoples standards. I dont believe in their lifestyle but God says only He can judge.

  • Lori - 12 years ago

    I didn't see the episode, but my guess is that they were prohibited only because of the cameras and no other reason. We "Mormons" are very tolerant, (perhaps not always approving), but usually tolerant of behaviors not congruent with our teachings. Cameras and crews would not be appropriate at all in those reverent places, so I am certain that is the reason they were not permitted in. Each person is important to God and would be welcome in that environment.

  • Gabby - 12 years ago

    The Mormons believe the site of where Joseph died and others is a sacred place and with all the cameras children and wives going through it would have been a circus. Mormons do not practice this any longer due to it being against the law they want to go by the laws of the USA. At that time in history people forget that the US men had more than one wife. The only reason the Mormons were subject to death and other things was because the law passed every one else sold there wife's off. The Mormons believed in marriage forever. People should read the history on there church. You think other people were treated badly get a diary or a book honestly about there persecutions. They were murdered, had bounties on there head, walked to Utah barefooted, children died, slathered by just talking to a Mormon.
    They walked pushing hand carts over ockL and mountains.
    You are going to say it is just the Mormons, what about how Romey was treated, mormons have been in politics for the US. You did know all the cults, satan worshippers voted for Obama.
    This whole race was just the same from the last race with Clinton think about that.
    Mormons have been and still are persecuted.

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