Should Pastors Ban Weaves In Church?


  • Terry - 11 years ago

    The Pastor have his mind on the wrong think he need to be focus on the GOD word and save SOUL. NOT JUDGE women hair he do not understand why some women wear wig or weave. Our Women have right to weave an hairstyle they want. GOD is not NO JUDGE WOMEN HAIR so you do not have the right your are just a MAN. I will not call you an PASTOR because you do sound that you have an education as a SPIRITUAL LEADER . IN THE BIBLE GOD say not man do not other if you do not want to be JUDGE. I feel you need to apologies to ALL WOMEN for your IGNORE.

  • Prophetess Murphy - 11 years ago

    Greetings to all commentators.
    I am one who humbly serves in a Clergy office and do understand Gods Word/instruction for the Church as the Holy Scriptures so state. I've read most of the comments made, and while I do agree with comments made regarding a pastor's Great Commission & primary focus, I do lovingly encourage that we'd all be mindful of the statements made against or toward God's Anointed. One who operates as Pastor is operating in one of the gifts that Christ himself distributed before ascending to the Father, and as Scripture states "the authorities that be; are ordained of God". Yes! this Pastor's judgement may be a little more personal than you'd expect from Clergy, yet he is still operating in an office of the Church. Even when opportunity permitted David to slay Saul, he refused the opportunity. At times we can "slay" one another with our choice of wording therefore, when hearing of any pastor that has made statement, act or gesture that offends you, remember he or she is a Church leader, pray for his/her attitude to adjust according to God's Love & this age, then leave the Change in his/her heart up to God. As far as the man of God's command to his female members, I'd say, yes it is a bit personal, yet if he desires this of his female membership, is it honestly any different than a Pastor commanding female members cover their heads with cloths or dollies, not to wear pants, etc.? As the pastor of his Parrish, he has the authority to make certain demands of his membership that others may not agree with yet must respect. If any of his membership do not agree they can request/discuss it in a official Church meeting in an effort of trying to find common ground/agreement and if they do not settle, have the option of finding other Church pasture to graze in. I post this comment with appreciation, Love & respect to all prior comments.
    In Debt to Serve,

  • Ponnie - 11 years ago

    I think this pastor should be about the business of preaching salvation to the lost and helping people to understand the Word of God so they can look more like Christ to a hurting and lost world. And hair has nothing whatsoever to do with that....

  • Hazel Holmes-Wilson - 11 years ago

    Being a Breast Cancer Survivor, going through Kemo, I went to church with no hat and no hair. Shameless. Being a grown, mother of and adopted child, widowed after 25years of marriage, home owner, retired, educated and most of all Saved by the Blood of Jesus. and still have Swag. With due respect to this Pastor. Your focus and mandate should be on the Word. In season and out of season.
    Not on Weaves and Wigs. "Stop It"!! Be it a Preacher, Pastor or Teacher, should be known for, the debth of your studies, in your Study and from your Study. Women are too adorne themselves in modest apperal, that's the word. But when anyone begin to invade the personal privacy of another then you are out of order.
    Take heed to these words. We are all human beings first, with different callings. ..."Make your election sure"!

  • Katie J - 11 years ago

    I grew up in an age when short hair on a woman was not acceptable in church. I had a condition that caused my hair to fall out every 2 or more years. I hated wearing wigs in the summer so I just went natural. I was once called a "Bull Dagger" my the deacon and Pastor even though my husband was on the deacon board. No one bothered to ask me why my hair was short they just assumed. I am amazed to see that people are still fighting hair styles instead of sin. People are dying all around us and all we can see is hair. Women are fighting cancer and wear wigs, weaves or whatever it takes to feel better about the hair loss, and all this man can see is the weave. I am 57 years old and have been saved since the age of 19, and the hair battle is still raging on in the church. If we fought sin as hard as we fought hair styles we would all be perfected in Jesus, which is what we should be striving for. To those who agree with this pastor and say it's a self esteem issue, have you considered it may be an health issue? And if it is a self esteem issue, all he has to do is "Preach the Gospel" and the women can be healed and delivered. The Word of God still convicts and that's enough.


    Jimmy Crack Corn and I don't Care. His/Her Concern should be about Soul Winning and and Teaching about the true and living word of God that's what wrong with the Church today they are so caught up on the cares of this world and not FOCUS on the things of God, and they wonder why they are going through. some of todays Churches has become a DEN OF THEIVES remember Clergy God is the Judge of all Judges God knows the intent of the heart and no where in the Bible does it states that a women could not wear a weave if you want to really keep it real so Pastor's wear a Tupae. So stay Focus on your true assignment and it's about Jesus Christ making Heaven Our HomeJimmy Crack Corn and I don't Care. His/Her Concern should be about Soul Winning and and Teaching about the true and living word of God that's what wrong with the Church today they are so caught up on the cares of this world and not FOCUS on the things of God, and they wonder why they are going through. some of todays Churches has become a DEN OF THEIVES remember Clergy God is the Judge of all Judges God knows the intent of the heart and no where in the Bible does it states that a women could not wear a weave if you want to really keep it real so Pastor's wear a Tupae. So stay Focus on your true assignment and it's about Jesus Christ making Heaven Our Home

  • V.Johnson - 11 years ago

    Women in other countries cut their hair off for religious purposes, and they could care less. They then sell that very same hair to we vain american women. We as americans spent billions purchasing weave hair from different countries, if given the chance what would they buy from us? They laugh at us... ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK! I agree with the pastor even though his platform is questionable.

  • Grace - 11 years ago

    For this person (I say 'person' because a TRUE Pastor would know better than to use the OFFICE to voice and to use aggrevation to force his OWN PERSONAL OPINION UPON OTHERS) to say that it is 'unacceptable to GOD' is arrogant, preposterous and an outright LIE!!!! GOD has never said anywhere in HIS WORD that women wearing weaves is unacceptable. First, it is an insult to every woman to be told that their worth is on founded upon their looks, because that is what Mr. Aamir is saying. Secondly, he needs to be mindful, that wearing a wig, weave or otherwise is no different from the man who wears a Toupee, or from the man who shaves his head or the man who shaves his face, because in either case what is seen is not the real look of the person. Men who have hair only growing around the sides of his head ~ he shaves it off. Men who have hair all over with a bald spot in the top of it ~ he shaves it off. Men have hair growing on their face ~ they shave it off! SO, is what Mr. Aamir saying that MEN can modify their image and still be secure, but women can’t modify their image without being insecure??

    Also note, there are people who have medical issues that cause hair loss who wear weaves for their own purpose in their own right. My hair hangs down my back, but if I want to wear a weave or wig, it is my prerogative and GOD is not against it. GOD SAID THAT IT IS THE CONDITION OF MY HEART and my character that is important, HE didn’t mention my hair bearing weight. I would no longer be a member of the Church that he presides over, that’s for sure.

    I wish I could meet him face to face and see if I see any razor bumps from where he ‘altered’ his original look. I never seen a photo of him ~ but oh, just let him be BALD HEADED I really have some conversation for him!!!

    Why do men see what women are doing but not what they are doing? I challenge any man who has this type of view to "Not put the razor to his body in any manner" and let me see ‘WHO’ you really are, let me see “WHAT’ you really look like, because the image I see before me is not the one apart from the razor!

  • LNJT - 11 years ago

    It is a sad day when Pastors focus on hair and hair styles. Like God they should be ministering the WORD OF GOD to all. God looks at the heart...NOT AT A HAIR STYLE!! I truly think that there is something wrong with men (man) who call themselves Pastors that focus on the outer flesh of women (man). We really need to be careful not to distort the WORD OF GOD! Let the main think remain the main thing. The enemy is so slick and have us take our purpose to focus on winning souls for Jesus! Yes, I am a woman who wears a wig. I suffer from hair thinning an loss (hereditary). I can tell you if I did not have to wear a wig to feel comfortable in my daily life, I would not. I am not trying to be someone that I am not. Wigs and hair pieces are worn for different reason. Men, especially in the pulpits need to leave this subject along and stay focused on winning souls for Jesus. These bodies are "temporary". God looks at our hearts...not our hair - (no matter if it's our natural hair or a wig or hair piece) I continue to pray for Pastors and all men who have hang ups about wigs and hair pieces. They do not know why someone chooses to do so. It's NOT about them, me or's about JESUS!!

  • Tony Hill - 11 years ago

    The pastor should be asking himself is this what god wants? Or is the pastor suggesting that he does not need a house of worshippers? If the pastor is bothered by the different styles of weaves maybe he should suggest that those members where a hat on Sundays. Lol

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