Ego? At 540 episodes, you deserve every ounce of ego. Who has made the decision to publish a podcast for people to hear them lend unsolicited discussions on an assortment of topics does not have an ego? The ones who don't have it are probably not putting out content on a consistent basis.
Ultra - 11 years ago
How dare Abe say ANYTHING about Karen's voice when he sounds like he missed puberty? He needs to check his nuts. Fuck him, fuck his raggedy show, and fuck his existence. I love Karen's voice. She sounds like a grown ass woman that was raised in the south. As a southern woman with an accent, I like the fact that there is a woman on the air that sounds like me and the women I grew up with. I love the show and keep up the great work! I appreciate all you do for the fans.
HC - 11 years ago
It always makes for entertaining listening when The Black Guy Who Tips has to ether some haters, but I hate that it has to come as a result of people attacking 2 of my favorite people. I'm tired of insecure people coming for my girl Karen. Her voice is great. The only thing I had to get used to with her was trying to predict when those loud HA's are coming so I don't accidentally spit on the back of some poor white man's neck trying to hold back laughter while listening to the podcast on the metro on the way to work in the mornings. And Rod is not some cult leader. I mean, if you look at the TBGWT cartoon logo, Rod's eyes are drawn in a triangular shape, and we all know what that means...he's illuminati, y'all. But that's NOT the same as being a cult leader. Get it straight.
2fish Terror-lyn - 11 years ago
For real Aaron! "13 shows in 12 months nigga I can divide. That's one every--lets say 2, 2 of them shits was due. 1 was nah the other was "Shoots at Ants", thats one hot show in a one year stint. . . and thats just LAME."
Derrick - 11 years ago
I see that there are 3 votes for " yes , it was too much". I bet that 2 of those 3 votes are from Greg and Abe.
ashyflockaflame - 12 years ago
Man when did we become so entitled as a group as to excuse racism, talk about someones family and think that the person would just be like yea...thats cool....he or she meant well. Man Fuck them with 6 of chills dicks. And to think that this person wanted to come into your home, Naw son. A cult, nigga you wish you had a listener. Worry about your own thing and that time and energy you put into dissing somebody could have been used to fix your sound quality. You been out a year and got 13 shows....s.s.s.sit yo ass down. You know how this could have been handled, call rod and karen and say hey can we discuss this on my show.Might have ended better for you. And please know this is just one fans opinion, If you feel thats what you need to do to get clicks go ahead, But the next people you diss might not be as friendly. Aaron B out! .....NIGGA!
Ego? At 540 episodes, you deserve every ounce of ego. Who has made the decision to publish a podcast for people to hear them lend unsolicited discussions on an assortment of topics does not have an ego? The ones who don't have it are probably not putting out content on a consistent basis.
How dare Abe say ANYTHING about Karen's voice when he sounds like he missed puberty? He needs to check his nuts. Fuck him, fuck his raggedy show, and fuck his existence. I love Karen's voice. She sounds like a grown ass woman that was raised in the south. As a southern woman with an accent, I like the fact that there is a woman on the air that sounds like me and the women I grew up with. I love the show and keep up the great work! I appreciate all you do for the fans.
It always makes for entertaining listening when The Black Guy Who Tips has to ether some haters, but I hate that it has to come as a result of people attacking 2 of my favorite people. I'm tired of insecure people coming for my girl Karen. Her voice is great. The only thing I had to get used to with her was trying to predict when those loud HA's are coming so I don't accidentally spit on the back of some poor white man's neck trying to hold back laughter while listening to the podcast on the metro on the way to work in the mornings. And Rod is not some cult leader. I mean, if you look at the TBGWT cartoon logo, Rod's eyes are drawn in a triangular shape, and we all know what that means...he's illuminati, y'all. But that's NOT the same as being a cult leader. Get it straight.
For real Aaron! "13 shows in 12 months nigga I can divide. That's one every--lets say 2, 2 of them shits was due. 1 was nah the other was "Shoots at Ants", thats one hot show in a one year stint. . . and thats just LAME."
I see that there are 3 votes for " yes , it was too much". I bet that 2 of those 3 votes are from Greg and Abe.
Man when did we become so entitled as a group as to excuse racism, talk about someones family and think that the person would just be like yea...thats cool....he or she meant well. Man Fuck them with 6 of chills dicks. And to think that this person wanted to come into your home, Naw son. A cult, nigga you wish you had a listener. Worry about your own thing and that time and energy you put into dissing somebody could have been used to fix your sound quality. You been out a year and got 13 shows....s.s.s.sit yo ass down. You know how this could have been handled, call rod and karen and say hey can we discuss this on my show.Might have ended better for you. And please know this is just one fans opinion, If you feel thats what you need to do to get clicks go ahead, But the next people you diss might not be as friendly. Aaron B out! .....NIGGA!