Realistic? FUCK NO! Matter of fact, I wanna see MLK re-envisioned in today's world as a G fighting agianst white supremacy and white privilege. Get Bienie Siegel to play him. Shit'll be dope.
da_ticklah - 11 years ago
I need both one I can take the kids to when they are about 8 years old and the keep it real one for when they are about 15 or so and can process the fact that even 'heroes' have a human side
PrinceLeron - 11 years ago
I would love to see a film where MLK is depicted as an human-being instead of a martyr. I think some people do not want to see it and have want to face their own hypocrisy. That goes for the people who always make sure to put the Reverend in front of his name every time. They constantly stand on a moral high-ground when it comes to adultery so they would not face that part of MLK.
HC - 11 years ago
I'm definitely down for a realistic MLK movie. But I'm not exactly weeping for Oliver Stone...with his questionable racial history, most recently calling Obama a disgrace and choosing to support Ron Paul for president (who has his own racial issues), I'd feel a bit safer with a different director.
Anthony "Animal Thug" Tatum - 11 years ago
The M.L.K. movie could be the Dallas Byers Club of the civil rights movement. Raw and gritty but heartfelt and uplifting. It can't be on the line of precious where you won't see it more than once
Realistic? FUCK NO! Matter of fact, I wanna see MLK re-envisioned in today's world as a G fighting agianst white supremacy and white privilege. Get Bienie Siegel to play him. Shit'll be dope.
I need both one I can take the kids to when they are about 8 years old and the keep it real one for when they are about 15 or so and can process the fact that even 'heroes' have a human side
I would love to see a film where MLK is depicted as an human-being instead of a martyr. I think some people do not want to see it and have want to face their own hypocrisy. That goes for the people who always make sure to put the Reverend in front of his name every time. They constantly stand on a moral high-ground when it comes to adultery so they would not face that part of MLK.
I'm definitely down for a realistic MLK movie. But I'm not exactly weeping for Oliver Stone...with his questionable racial history, most recently calling Obama a disgrace and choosing to support Ron Paul for president (who has his own racial issues), I'd feel a bit safer with a different director.
The M.L.K. movie could be the Dallas Byers Club of the civil rights movement. Raw and gritty but heartfelt and uplifting. It can't be on the line of precious where you won't see it more than once