Should gray wolves be removed from the threatened and endangered species list?


  • Bob Brister - 11 years ago

    I like wolves and I vote.

  • Lori from Idaho - 11 years ago

    Wolves are so overpopulated in this state,every one of my neighbors has had problems with them and nobody goes into the mountains without a gun. unless you live in wolf country you have NO IDEA of the devastation brought to wildlife,domestic animals and humans because of the wolf infestation. Don't believe the B.S. wolves are huge unstoppable killers of everything that moves..this is the truth!

  • James Newton - 11 years ago

    Judging by your own poll only reinforces the need for wolves to be left alone and by kept on the ESA list.I feel that you need to issue a retraction of your headline. reason being that there is on study. The information the reporter referred to in this article is the "Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2013 Interagency Annual Report. Therefore the article is misleading and incorrect.

    Thank you,

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