Rod, I hope you feel better. Also, Karen, he really got every other black podcaster sick? Damn. Hopefully he doesn't go out and pull another Typhoid Mary or some shit. Anyway, I hope you feel better Rod.
Basalmaverick - 11 years ago
Justin's laugh makes me happy.
Ashy3classy - 11 years ago
It was cool hearing Karen do the intro stuff. And Jesus Rod you sound so bad I got sick just listening. Get well Fam And Great Job Karen!
Rod, I hope you feel better. Also, Karen, he really got every other black podcaster sick? Damn. Hopefully he doesn't go out and pull another Typhoid Mary or some shit. Anyway, I hope you feel better Rod.
Justin's laugh makes me happy.
It was cool hearing Karen do the intro stuff. And Jesus Rod you sound so bad I got sick just listening. Get well Fam And Great Job Karen!