Did the school board make the right decision to suspend Atiya Haynes for the rest of the year?


  • Euphemia Taylor - 10 years ago

    i too believe that the school board already had its mind made up before the hearing. This young lady has an excellent school record. I could see implementing harsh discipline if she had a bad track record or if she menaced someone wth the knife. I pray that she can appeal and have this decision overturned and return to school.

  • Donald Coles - 10 years ago

    I think her parents should appeal. If the appeal doesn't hold then she should, quickly, prepare for college and a path of studies. I know how she feels, I have been stopped by security guards for carrying a newspaper into the Library of Congress Reading Room.

  • Nannette - 10 years ago

    I feel the school board already had their mind's made up on what they wanted to do with this child's future at that school. To hear that it was an all white board also that doesn't make it any much better. She never gotten in trouble before throughout high school and she's a honors' student with a 3.0 GPA, them folks know exactly what they trying to do is hold that smart intelligent black young lady back but her parent's ain't ga go for it. God got you baby girl!!!

  • Koolhand1 - 10 years ago

    Where is the person that made the false claim against her, they should go after them since she was innocent and that search of her personals wasn't justified. An example should apply to the accuser for
    messing up this young lady's clean school record. The school board was totally wrong for handing out such cruel punishment for a first time infraction! ! The school board could have done better, it's not like it was headline news. Shame on them and that spoke person!

  • monik mills - 10 years ago

    If you look at her background it clearly shows she's not a problem child. Schools talk about uplifting a child and suspending this one for a honest mistake she made I understand that area has so much violence and she a young woman to. Hell she trying to make a good life for herself by working hard while she young so you take it all from her what does that say about you all the school board, the school, and the ones who said yes rules are rules I bet you wouldn't say rules are rules if I was your child and for them that say that they got to be no body's and didn't get what they wanted out of life so they don't want anyone else to succeed. So know matter what happens baby girl keep your head up and keep reaching for your goals

  • bless1 - 10 years ago

    I feel they should have Gone after the Granddad because he is the Parent that Gave it to Her!God Bless You!

  • imgodsproject - 10 years ago

    All of this rules are rules mess only applies under convenient circumstances. It is unconscionable that this child is being denied the opportunity to enjoy her senior year because of a first time infraction. Her record dictates that her offense should have been handled in a different manner. I don't know if it is racism, but at very least, it is classism.

  • Moe Thacker - 10 years ago

    Wow, all white school board. They made no allowance for good character, studiousness, hard work, and academic achievement, and no prior offenses. Very cruel and harsh punishment. Should have been probation or at most a month suspension.

    Even her wanting to go to Howard probably influences this school boards decision. To them Howard likely means low character, underachiever, inferior academics, while none of that is true about Howard.

  • Fred Nolan - 10 years ago

    Voted not sure, because rules are rules. However from my own experience I can clearly understand why a young one these days would risk getting suspended in light of the alternative which is rape or even worst, death...
    Since I went to public school almost 40 years ago, some high schools were not fit for some children, they harbor a criminal mentality that is usually a mirror image of the zip-code and would not wish them on my worst enemy.
    I really feel sorry for any descent kids that has no other alternatives, because from experience I can truly state that most of those schools are worst then most world jails, excluding US Jails; where humanity seems to exhibit the worst of predatory potentials bar none in our present world.
    Note: By zip-code please understand that the situation is as equally dire in prominant districts that are still echoing segregational attitudes towards others.
    Eventually, the society will need to face the music as a whole when it come to the actual degree of moral decay that had existed in America, fueled since (1950s or earlier) when switchblades were a fashion statement and practically the norm as well as the sheer disregard for human life that I have witnessed dressed as a pig with lipstake and a damage control machine expertise pointing fingers to shift awareness.

  • Debra - 10 years ago

    I definitely DON'T believe this has anything to do with RACE. By using this as a reason, will cause a reader to overlook your comment, and there may be substance somewhere in there. Having worked in a school, they simply can't see past rules, plain and simple!

  • Debra - 10 years ago

    Even in a court of law, past behaviour influences the outcome. Why didn't the school board use more common sense? Then they wonder why young people retaliate. They know they were wronged but don't have the maturity not to exact revenge. It's hard enough trying to keep our children in school. Maybe it's time to revamp the system and get out the timeworn decision makers that can't see past black and white!

  • Carla Sobion - 10 years ago

    Horrible decision there was no malicious intent and too the marijuana suspicion check was clearly initiated because of race.
    This is one for the courts. White supremacy raising its ugly head. Oh please give the child her future.

  • Jim Smith - 10 years ago

    Next stop-any pertinent extraordinary writ (mandamus or such). rules have a prefatory purpose. If the purpose doesn't fit, the rule should not be applied.
    Hope she finds somebody to help her appeal in the appropriate time constraint.

  • MARY FRANCIS - 10 years ago

    Institutionalized racism is running rampant in this country! Our black kids are being slaughtered mentally,physically, emotionally,educationally, and socially! Intelligent black kids who are trying to do the "right" thing are being trampled by racism! To my brother Charles, it's easy for anyone to say, just move out of that neighborhood as if you were asking her to just change the color of her skin! Apparently you must be socially/economically/financially stable and of the other persuasion! Get real son! If it were your child, i think you'd have a different opinion! I live in a city like Detroit, New Orleans! I taught in the public school system there, 30+ years! I've witnessed, fought against, and lived through blatant racism in our school system! Certain "rules" apply to certain classes of people! America must wake up and realize if one body of people perish, we all perish! Our school system was raped by the lies of charter schools and the Recovery School District! Our children will possibly never bounce back after they are through with them!

  • Isa Kocher - 10 years ago

    she was falsely accused of smoking, smoking marijuana. of course this is a case of racism. institutionalized, roboticized, automated, so everybody can disclaim evil intentions, but institutionalized racism nevertheless.

  • Isa Kocher - 10 years ago

    the US Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott vs Sanford that Americans of African descent were not human beings but property, That was the "rules" before the 13th 14th 15th amendments. It is no different today. the "rules" do not make things right. people come first.

  • Genett - 10 years ago

    I think that this is deplorable. And to think, she wasn't smoking marijuana, probably some of the white kids in her school. I don't know what other decision her family expected from an all white board in the northern home of the -----

  • Ray Brown - 10 years ago

    I have taught pre-K through graduate school. The idea that "Rules are Rules," an inflexible appreciation of the individual characteristics of an event, are as damaging as they are invariant. A situation such as this MUST be viewed with respect to the evident intent of the individual and in relationship to the
    individual's past behavior. I believe that the application of the same "Rules" have corrupted the goal of our juvenal and our adult system of Justice. Rather than correction or rehabilitation, the unfortunate emphasis in on punishment.

  • Franchesca - 10 years ago

    I'm a brutally honest person so if I offend anyone by my comment, please accept my apologies in advance. Clearly, the people who are commenting and saying that rules are rules for a reason and are made to be followed and all this other crap is obviously Caucasian. I say that to say that you don't know what it means to live in a dangerous neighborhood and feel threatened. She is an honor student and she is obviously trying to better her life by escaping the environment by going to school and working not 1, but 2 jobs! She made a mistake! If she has no record at school of anyyhing and no one was threatened with the weapon, what's the big damn deal??? When they found it on her, they could have taken it from her and told her that a parent had to come pick it up from the school following a meeting. But this harsh punishment does not fit the crime and it angers me for people of any color, black or white, to say that she knew better. Until you deal with certain circumstances to understand what kidsñ especially black children, go through, please STFU! The school board was out of order since the weapon was not used against anyone. A reprimand could be good, but this is cruel and I'm truly sickened by the school board and their decision.

  • Imani S. - 10 years ago

    I would understand if she had plenty of problems within the school but this young lady had a good head on her shoulders. Everyone has pointed out about her living in a bad area okay we know that but know one has stated the obvious, know one has pointed out that keeping her in school could possibly be the best thing for her. School and work are obviously her getaways from that environment an what keeps her on track these school boards need to be more smart about the decisions they make.

  • Victor - 10 years ago

    NAACP that's all imma say it's more to it then than that look at the signs

  • G.P. - 10 years ago

    I mean really. I can imagine she didn't even have a folder in the main office. They just used her as an example and was glad to do it. But that's ok. It won't hinder her if she doesn't let it. She will rise above their decision.

  • sharon - 10 years ago

    It's funny how these rules are made for those who break the law intentionally, but it's the innocent ones who gets the punishment. I had a similar incident. Grandson had know in backpack unknowingly. Stepfather was abusing his mother so his mother had house all the kitchen knives in an old backpack, one he hadn't been using. He or the back pack in his locker at school, was there all day. When Bell rang to go home he grabbed backpack out of locker, knife falls to floor. No one observed this & he didn't try to retrieve it because was afraid someone would ser him pick it up, so he came home & told us. We said ok don't worry about it. This was a Friday. The school had a game on Saturday & he felt bad so he told the teacher it had fallen out &he explained what happened. He was not an honor student but an average student Christian, not one that was in trouble. They suspended him for 2 weeks & at the end of 2 weeks, the principal & school board met & expelled him for ready of year. What a reward for honesty. If hadn't told them nothing would have happened. His mother & police report upheld domestic violence report. What good are laws of the only people hurry are the ones trying to uphold the law. The criminals are still doing the same thing & getting by. I believe there is a part that says the principal &/or board can use their own discretion in disciplining the students. I believe that her case deserves leniency I'd those are the facts. I agree, if, that was their child the outcome would have been different.

  • Lynne - 10 years ago

    What are u talking about Charles? She is making an effort to get out of the neighborhood by her exemplary school record!

  • Carl Lawrence - 10 years ago

    What would have happened if she had been a white student?????

  • Claudette - 10 years ago

    Zero tolerance rules in schools have gone too far. This was an honest mistake. She is a teenager and forgetful. There is a study that African American students are 5 times more likely to be suspended from school. I think this is one of those cases.

  • Mittie - 10 years ago

    It is amazing how when mercy is shown for some, but not for others. THIS IS THE TIMES WE ARE IN IN THIS COUNTRY WHO HAWKS DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE. RIGHT

  • Charles - 10 years ago

    There laws are put in place for everyone's benefit, if you break it you suffer the consequences'. knowing this, she had two options, stay at home or leave the knife at home. you can't live the life of a double standard person. if she lives in a bad neighbor hood then make every effort to get out. she can have fun later in life, she still has the opportunity to finish school, just not at school. so if the honor student that made a mistake can continue to be a 3,0 student, do so and move on. learn from your mistake, people stop taking up for these young adults.

  • Barbara Byas - 10 years ago

    The school board is not a court of law and should base their decision on the student's overall performance. Show me a perfect student and I'll show you a robot so, these "must follow the rules idiots" need to rethink their decision by putting their own children in this young lady's position and change their minds.

  • jerry - 10 years ago

    If it was a legal weapon search I could see a violation , being victimize ( search ) because some one else alleged the smell of pot is totally unfair.The searching of this young lady wasn't merited , there were no probable cause too had she been smoking the odor's would've been in her hair,clothing etc.So Dearborn mi school admin. has the authority to search student on a notion. I'm sure had that child been one of there's or some one in there circle they would have a found a way to justify action less extreme.

  • c Johnson - 10 years ago

    Clearly it was a mistake, if any of the board members or staff reside in this area I'm sure they would have more than a pocket knife on them at all times! Here we have a young lady who wants better in life why deprive her the opportunity to educate herself? When we have over crowed class rooms, and students who don't care about their education. Not all apples are bad in a bunch. I could see them give her a week to even a two week suspension. But to be kicked out for the remainder of the school year is crazy! The unfortunate part is if this young lady came from a family with money it would have been a different outcome.

  • julianna - 10 years ago

    i think each cases should be judged on its own circumstances

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