Should Nikki Reed be banned from the set of 'The Vampire Diaries'?


  • Missy - 10 years ago

    Yes the bitch should be banned! She is not even on the show and it's just rude that Ian is doing this to Nina. It's work, not make out with your new girl time. Nina is moving on but shouldn't have to deal with that up in her face at her job either

  • Asmin - 10 years ago

    Nina is acting childish and if Ian wants to move on she shud respect that as they hve already broke upp besides those people out there who think that Elena is the centre of TVD let me jst tell u ... I bet u in a blink of the eye that Ian aka Damon has way more fans than Nina and that if they kick Damon out than their losing out on the least bit of comedy they hve on the show(not that it's not nice but..) and Nina shud grow and move on or just get back together with Ian stop being jealous r ruining the show and your image... That's all I hve to say but remember if ull kick out Damon than the show is going nowhere but down.. Trust me

  • Asmin - 10 years ago

    Nina is acting childish and if Ian wants to move on she shud respect that as they hve already broke upp besides those people out there who think that Elena is the centre of TVD let me jst tell u ... I bet u in a blink of the eye that Ian aka Damon has way more fans than Nina and that if they kick Damon out than their losing out on the least bit of comedy they hve on the show(not that it's not nice but..) and Nina shud grow and move on or just get back together with Ian stop being jealous r ruining the show and your image... That's all I hve to say but remember if ull kick out Damon than the show is going nowhere but down.. Trust me

  • Dara - 10 years ago

    Oh and btw all of you disrespecting Nikki need to take a second a think, While you are sitting on your couch in your one story three bedroom house, Nikki is dating one of the most attractive people in Hollywood making more money than your minimum wage minds can fathom, so who's really winning?

  • Dara - 10 years ago

    No Nikki shouldn't be banned are you kidding me?! Break ups happen. If Nina and Ian would've listened they wouldn't be in this situation right now. Banning Nikki is basically punishing Ian for moving on. And how can you even call Nikki bad names?! She didn't do ANYTHING wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself. I love Ian, Nikki, and Nina, and yes I was a little sad when they broke up but so what let Ian live his life and leave Nikki alone

  • pink - 10 years ago

    Nikki the hoe -_-

  • Beth - 10 years ago

    Ian ur hot Nikki ur so not leave that retard she's an epic loser nina is my idol same with u ian so the heck up what's wrong with u she loves u with all her heart and u have to be a jerk and rub it in her face I LOVE ❤️❤️❤️ U but seriously this needs to stop or u can deal with me lol sounds scary LUV yah bae - peace

  • Ni - 10 years ago

    What was Ian thinking when he brings Nikki to the set and do things in front of Nina? Hello, where's some consideration here? That's just cruel.

  • Yuck - 10 years ago

    Wait 7,041 people think Nikki Reed shouldn't be allowed on set? LMAO what the hell did the girl do wrong? Clearly, Nina needs to grow the hell up and gain a sense of professionalism. Sophia Bush for example, wasn't a drama queen after her divorce with Chad which was a trillion times worse than Nian's breakup. Chad began dating a costar on set, and Sophia didn't cause drama like Nina. Nikki should be allowed on set. Nina needs to be more mature, she's 25, not 12. You people are messed up.

  • Diane - 10 years ago

    Well, I just recently heard about the break up but from the little bit I've read, it seems to me that Ian is laying it on a bit too thick (like Nikki Reeds' eyebrows!) Damon has always been my favorite TVD character but Ians' recent immature antics on set, are not only childish but disrespectful to boot. If it's really true love, there's no need to rub it in Ninas' face. I thought he was ten years her senior. C'mon, Ian. Grow up. dude. It seems pretty transparent that his behavior isn't coming from a place of love for Nikki at all, as I'm sure Ian and bushy browed, square jawed, butt chinned, man like facial featured, long forgotten Twilight actress, what's her name, will imo, become old news fast. Chin up, Nina. You are a beautiful, kind hearted, respectful woman with soft, feminine features who deserves something wonderful and real. Ian may be a pretty boy but imho, has much growing to do, before he will ever be ready for anything more than fun and lust. Please grow up for the sake of the show. A lot of fans will be devastated if you can't pull it together. Also, try to give your co-star and ex, the respectful work environment that she and all people who work together deserve. I wish the entire cast of TVD much luck and love. I hope things work out. Yes, even for you, Ian. You play the perfect Damon and the character would be greatly missed, if you were to leave. Peace, Dee

  • Tanz - 10 years ago

    I don't think its a matter of jealosy. I think its just hard for Nina to see Ian with another woman. Especially one that they were both friends with. They were together for awhile. Noone knows the reason for their breakup. Its just mean and selfish for Ian to bring Nikki to the set. Like he is purposefully trying to upset Nina. I love Ian & Nikki but this is just cruel.

  • jess - 10 years ago

    I dont think she should be banned from the set maybe they could ask her not to come to the set but being banned bc nina cant deal with the fact they are happy then maybe she needs to grow up and move on with her life like ian did

  • cynthia - 10 years ago

    I get that Elena is MAIN and CENTRAL to the show. I've also read the books and know how an Elena-less TVD might be tricky. However if she wants to leave and EXPLORE other avenues, the writers could still make it work. TBH my favorite characters these days are Caroline and Bonnie and the brothers Damon and Stephan of course. It's great having Alaric back, and while the books are WRITTEN and that's a concrete THING, like I've said, the writers have a LOT they can work with.

  • lynda marquez - 10 years ago

    no pda (as a rule) at work.... but didn't Nina break up with Ian? She hurt him also!

  • Adi - 10 years ago

    I don't bring my boyfriend to work with me. Ian shouldn't be bringing his girlfriend to work with him. Being on set is not playtime or a spot to make out with your new girlfriend in front of your ex. It's a job just like any other. You do your work and do it well. Ian would do well to remember that before the producers decide that Elena is more crucial to their storyline than Damon, and he is looking for another job.

  • grace - 10 years ago

    its not ian and Nikki's fault that she feels jealousy and how sure are u all that she is jealousy of their PDA let them be leave them alone

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