I picked the appelation" just American" in order to kill the race factor when identifying an individual. It will be choking message to any racist person out there.
A Proud African Child. - 10 years ago
Matter of facts they have more self hate among themselves than any other group on earth, its call dark skin vs. light skin. Go to Chicago and tell me those low thug lifestyles are the ones you want us superior Africans to embrace and identify with, you are sick.
Make a complete analyses of the incidents on three above videos and think twice. Also non of these aggressors are whites, Hispanics, Indians but our so called fellows you call "Our Brethren'. As a result of all these obnoxious embarrassing stupidities, Africans feel superior and are disgusted by many thugs that look down or hate on Africans.
At the conclusion, my questions to you are as follows:
1- Can't Black Americans be racist towards other groups?
2- What Justified your generalization of the superiority of Africans over Americans blacks?
3- Why did you failed to addressed some of the obnoxious attitude among black Americans?
4- When does is becomes illegal to act superior?
5- Should the whole world baby sit Black America to make them happy?
6- why should Africans identify with a group of people from totally different background?
7- Should Africans come to America and sag their pants to identify with some Americans of any group who sag their pants?
8- what kind of dress, appearance, way of talk you prefer for Black Africans to emulate in order to identify with Black America?
9- When will you start addressing the broken family system many young African American experienced? the facts are there.
10- Should Africans waste their precious time to struggle to be accepted or mimic people who call them derogatory names and think the poverty in Africa is a joke and should be laughed at or make fun of?
A Proud African Child. - 10 years ago
You mentioned that without MLK and some of those civil right activists, Africans may not have the opportunity to enjoy the civil rights we enjoy today, that's a false statement. This country has always been a land of immigrants, Obama's father came here well before civil right's laws were passed and many Universities were desegregated and Jim Crow was effectively functional by then, but he was still accepted into best universities, served in segregated restaurants because was not descended from slaves. The denial of blacks from education by them was not mainly because of the color of their skin but because of their social status, slaves were not equal with non slaves anywhere in the world including Africa. That is still the reason why we will always have different mindset when it comes to life and experiences and to expect us to identify with them will be ridiculous probably one of the most disturbing and senseless and ridiculous article I have ever found online, I respect your opinion but I bend to disagree. You will be better off working on tribalism in Nigeria rather than worrying yourself about the superiority of the children of Slave Traders over the descendants of Slaves. I identify myself with people who have good manners, act right, don't make fool of themselves in public, dress good, approach people with respect and I be friend people regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender or religious affiliation they may have as long as they remain real and true to themselves.
I have seen many African immigrant kids who does not hangout in the corner and shops at convenient stores with black American kids as you stated on your post. Some successful African parents chose diverse neighborhoods where their kids will be friends with the children of other immigrants from all over the world. You do not have to be a black in America to suffer injustice in this world, we suffer injustice everywhere in the world even in your native country "Nigeria". tribalism is no different from racism. If you had stayed in Nigeria and fight the corrupt government and tribalism like Nelson Mandela and many then you can be taken serious but to come here and bash African for not acting like the descendants of the folks they sold especially those with thug lifestyle wow shame on you.
I also reserve the right not to identify myself with any group of people I find uninteresting. The Amadou Diallo case you quoted was not mainly because he is black, he could have laid down o the ground as a way of submission to the cops, but he chose to out his hand in his pocket that was an unfortunate mistake and was threatening act to any Law enforcement who is pursuing a suspect. Put yourself in that Police officer's shoe and come up with a different answer. The wallet Amadou Diallo was trying to pull out from his pocket was mistook as a gun and he knew he was innocent, he should never have run away nor should he put that hand in the pocket until he is asked for identification. Since he is only in the states for barely 3 years, he may not know the rules during Police chase I don't know but even if he was killed by a cop, why should that be a justification for Africans to identify with Black Americans? Egypt is in Africa, does Egyptians dress like Saudi Arabians when they visit Saudi even though both are Arabs? A lot of African immigrants have been robbed, killed and made fun of mostly by Black Americans, I am yet to see a white man who pick on Africans in public because they are from Africa. Below are links you will find disturbing about the senseless and ridiculous harassments and death incidents perpetrated towards Africans by these thugs. Two of the victims are Gambians and the harassed was a Kenyan Lady. All by non but our so called Brethren. You can never satisfy black Americans no matter how close your friendship is with them. They sees as slave traders and they see whites as racist slave masters, matter of facts they have more self hate amon
A Proud African Child. - 10 years ago
First of all I would like to thank you much for taking the time to make this post. With all due respect, you are entitled to your opinion and vice versa. All Africans and African Americans don't have to agree/disagree with you on your thought about relationship between these two groups of people. You will have some people who have the same mindset as you and some who have different mindset. You have made great points when it comes to identifying oneself as who they are. Africans don't have to identify with Black America in order to live in America. Africans don't have to recognize Black Americans in order to reduce the tension between the two, Africans don't have to dress, talk and act like African American to make the relationship friendly between the two. You have two different group of people with totally different experience when it comes to worldview, mindset, upbringing, culture etc. The only similarities that exist between us is the skin color we shared. Two different group of people that often have an ugly mindset about each other so expecting them to act the same will be stupid, because a typical white European does not act exactly white American, there will be distinctive features and personalities that differentiate the two and until you realize that, you will understand that its never going to be possible to for the two to act the same looking at their experiences. The only thing both can do is to respect each other and regard each other as a living human being who deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
your post portrayed Africans as arrogant people with superiority complex over their American counterparts when in fact you don't know many Africans, a continent that has people of all races. Your unjust description of African superiority was disturbing and I have not seen a single word on your post that was directed to Black Americans to also respect and recognize their African brethren. Since you have been in America and obtained your so called citizenship, I assume that you have at some point experienced some prejudice from not white kids but from them black American kids. Google online and you will find out how disgusting some of these young fellas attitude towards recent African immigrants is, we see them in schools, work stations, sport centers etc. My experience here has always been white kids showing more interest to know who I am, where I come from, what foods do I like, my family status and everything and up to this day, the number of my African American brethren that have shown interest to talk to me or even make an eye contact with me is far fewer than their white American counterparts. whites are more friendlier to you if they realize that you are non American. If some black Americans think we Mama African Children act superior over them, that is their weak and intimidating mindset I cannot help to heal the damage slavery and plantation mentality has don't to some of their mindset that includes self hate. Even in Africa we do not identify with other tribes that do not speak out ethnic languages and we are all blacks. So its not about the skin color and I want you to stop looking at skin color and be more constructive when I comes to comparing the two. You can advise Africans but I am yet to see a single advise directed at Americans that raises a big question "I DOUBT IF THE WRITER OF THIS ARTICLE IS NIGERIAN". This is internet and we expect all kind of personifications online. Excuse my grammatical errors because am not an English man nor is English my first language be understanding when you encounter any grammar error. Rosa Park and Martin Luther king Junior and all those civil rights activists that you have mentioned are probably one of the best African American that have inspired me all my life but looking at the statistics, how many African Americans dress or conduct themselves in public like MLK? Has MLK mocked and make fun of Africa and how Africa looks? You mentioned that without
Harar Sanan Hatap - 10 years ago
I prefer to refer to myself as an African in America. Because my family was brought here against their will is reason enough not to adopt the term American. Yes I was born here but my origin lies in a continent thousands of miles away. If you look at the black American culture you will see the strong influence of our African roots. It will always be in our DNA. They taught us to hate each other and ourselves here as well as in the continent of Africa. We Africans in America may have lost our language and original culture, but you can see the same thing in Africa, capitalism has affected all of us. Seeing my people world over separated by the names imposed on them by Europeans shows me that their "divide and conquer" mentality never died. We as a people will never stop going through hell in this country. We all must come together and realize that we are all one. We all exist in one another. I am not just saying this as a Pan-African, I am saying this as a Black Man, a Hatian man, and an African man. They are all one in the same, and so are we. I know there are many who do not agree, but nature itself will be sure to prove me right
-Peace to my Brothers and Sisters, and the dormant millions
mair - 10 years ago
I hate when people say that ALL Africans have a superiority complex. That is COMPLETELY false. There are a number of them that do but I know many Africans that do NOT. I was born in the states but I am a first-generation Ethiopian and all I know myself to be is black and I treat all humans as equal, period.
Mike Hinton - 10 years ago
When people ask my race, I answer "human".
Zenith - 10 years ago
I prefer black. That term , to me, represents the unique history if black people in America. As stated by an African man himself, in this article. Africans tend to have a superiority complex towards blacks in America. Why? I do not know. Look at the state of affairs in any of the African nations as compared to any other country in The world and it is nothing to be smug and proud of. In addition, many Africans helped sell their own people into slavery, so that connection was seriously severed at that time. I have traveled to Africa and had a wonderful time. While there, I experienced many Africans begging me to get black Americans to show more support for the continent. I found that interesting, as why would you look for help from a group of people you think you are better than?? Makes no sense.
the real aboriginal - 10 years ago
this is not spam more like a history back take!! wake up!! black people own America, this land belongs to the aboriginal blacks!
I would really prefer to be called an African without the American. I know we are in America, so why can't we just drop it. It's already understood because we are living here? Just a thought. I'm very proud to be of African descent...very proud. Teach me "my" language...
Shay - 10 years ago
My mom is from Morocco so that makes me african. Probably more african then most of the people that cLl themselves african american. I am not black. Say black if its skin color your discussing.
guest - 10 years ago
I am an American Black. I am not African. I have never been to Africa.
Keenan Beasley - 10 years ago
I'm Seminole or native black but history has lied and we have forgotten our black native ppl that was already here before slavery
I was born in America. My ancestors were brought here from Africa as slaves. I prefer to be called African American. Those people who are from the Caribbean or South America and prefer to be called Jamaican American or Cuban American or Belizan American, you are still African. You were brought here on the same slave ships that my ancestors were brought here on. All of those places were places that slaves were dropped off to break and season them for slavery. If you were not a slave and know what country in Africa that your ancestors came from or were born in Africa, I agree that you are Nigerian American or Egyptian American. I said Egypt because a lot of Europeans don't want to know that Egypt is in Africa, but that's another story and getting off the subject.
oyene - 10 years ago
If u are a Black and u have been naturalized as an American,u will be automatically been call an American.the word black- white-Asian- African Cuba-American should not exist.This is because all these distinctions calls for preference. There are some ingredient of segregation when we deal with preferences.
Salah Ananse - 10 years ago
I prefer & use the description American of African Descent! Nothing shows you how American you are like being in Africa.
William James - 10 years ago
I chose this because...eventhough we r a totally different people...I perfer African American to show connection to the Mother Land n because white America don't like it...but thats just me...
William James - 10 years ago
I chose this because...eventhough we r a totally different people...I perfer African American to show connection to the Mother Land n because white America don't like it...but thats just me...
Linda Glasper - 10 years ago
In actuality there was no option for my actual answer. I checked American because that was the only option closest to mine. We all know when filling out forms African American is what you find for Black people to identify with and not all of us prefer that classification. I often leave that space unmarked or check other which I do not feel comfortable with. The way I look at is I'm really an American who happens to be Black, but there's no option for that. So, I prefer to be a Black American because I was born here, I'm a U.S. citizen, and neither myself or any family member ever been to Africa. No human being is pure anything, and all of us have many ethnic backgrounds in our DNA. Therefore we should be able to choose ourselves what, who, or how we choose to be classified / identified as. Thank You
I picked the appelation" just American" in order to kill the race factor when identifying an individual. It will be choking message to any racist person out there.
Matter of facts they have more self hate among themselves than any other group on earth, its call dark skin vs. light skin. Go to Chicago and tell me those low thug lifestyles are the ones you want us superior Africans to embrace and identify with, you are sick.
Make a complete analyses of the incidents on three above videos and think twice. Also non of these aggressors are whites, Hispanics, Indians but our so called fellows you call "Our Brethren'. As a result of all these obnoxious embarrassing stupidities, Africans feel superior and are disgusted by many thugs that look down or hate on Africans.
At the conclusion, my questions to you are as follows:
1- Can't Black Americans be racist towards other groups?
2- What Justified your generalization of the superiority of Africans over Americans blacks?
3- Why did you failed to addressed some of the obnoxious attitude among black Americans?
4- When does is becomes illegal to act superior?
5- Should the whole world baby sit Black America to make them happy?
6- why should Africans identify with a group of people from totally different background?
7- Should Africans come to America and sag their pants to identify with some Americans of any group who sag their pants?
8- what kind of dress, appearance, way of talk you prefer for Black Africans to emulate in order to identify with Black America?
9- When will you start addressing the broken family system many young African American experienced? the facts are there.
10- Should Africans waste their precious time to struggle to be accepted or mimic people who call them derogatory names and think the poverty in Africa is a joke and should be laughed at or make fun of?
You mentioned that without MLK and some of those civil right activists, Africans may not have the opportunity to enjoy the civil rights we enjoy today, that's a false statement. This country has always been a land of immigrants, Obama's father came here well before civil right's laws were passed and many Universities were desegregated and Jim Crow was effectively functional by then, but he was still accepted into best universities, served in segregated restaurants because was not descended from slaves. The denial of blacks from education by them was not mainly because of the color of their skin but because of their social status, slaves were not equal with non slaves anywhere in the world including Africa. That is still the reason why we will always have different mindset when it comes to life and experiences and to expect us to identify with them will be ridiculous probably one of the most disturbing and senseless and ridiculous article I have ever found online, I respect your opinion but I bend to disagree. You will be better off working on tribalism in Nigeria rather than worrying yourself about the superiority of the children of Slave Traders over the descendants of Slaves. I identify myself with people who have good manners, act right, don't make fool of themselves in public, dress good, approach people with respect and I be friend people regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender or religious affiliation they may have as long as they remain real and true to themselves.
I have seen many African immigrant kids who does not hangout in the corner and shops at convenient stores with black American kids as you stated on your post. Some successful African parents chose diverse neighborhoods where their kids will be friends with the children of other immigrants from all over the world. You do not have to be a black in America to suffer injustice in this world, we suffer injustice everywhere in the world even in your native country "Nigeria". tribalism is no different from racism. If you had stayed in Nigeria and fight the corrupt government and tribalism like Nelson Mandela and many then you can be taken serious but to come here and bash African for not acting like the descendants of the folks they sold especially those with thug lifestyle wow shame on you.
I also reserve the right not to identify myself with any group of people I find uninteresting. The Amadou Diallo case you quoted was not mainly because he is black, he could have laid down o the ground as a way of submission to the cops, but he chose to out his hand in his pocket that was an unfortunate mistake and was threatening act to any Law enforcement who is pursuing a suspect. Put yourself in that Police officer's shoe and come up with a different answer. The wallet Amadou Diallo was trying to pull out from his pocket was mistook as a gun and he knew he was innocent, he should never have run away nor should he put that hand in the pocket until he is asked for identification. Since he is only in the states for barely 3 years, he may not know the rules during Police chase I don't know but even if he was killed by a cop, why should that be a justification for Africans to identify with Black Americans? Egypt is in Africa, does Egyptians dress like Saudi Arabians when they visit Saudi even though both are Arabs? A lot of African immigrants have been robbed, killed and made fun of mostly by Black Americans, I am yet to see a white man who pick on Africans in public because they are from Africa. Below are links you will find disturbing about the senseless and ridiculous harassments and death incidents perpetrated towards Africans by these thugs. Two of the victims are Gambians and the harassed was a Kenyan Lady. All by non but our so called Brethren. You can never satisfy black Americans no matter how close your friendship is with them. They sees as slave traders and they see whites as racist slave masters, matter of facts they have more self hate amon
First of all I would like to thank you much for taking the time to make this post. With all due respect, you are entitled to your opinion and vice versa. All Africans and African Americans don't have to agree/disagree with you on your thought about relationship between these two groups of people. You will have some people who have the same mindset as you and some who have different mindset. You have made great points when it comes to identifying oneself as who they are. Africans don't have to identify with Black America in order to live in America. Africans don't have to recognize Black Americans in order to reduce the tension between the two, Africans don't have to dress, talk and act like African American to make the relationship friendly between the two. You have two different group of people with totally different experience when it comes to worldview, mindset, upbringing, culture etc. The only similarities that exist between us is the skin color we shared. Two different group of people that often have an ugly mindset about each other so expecting them to act the same will be stupid, because a typical white European does not act exactly white American, there will be distinctive features and personalities that differentiate the two and until you realize that, you will understand that its never going to be possible to for the two to act the same looking at their experiences. The only thing both can do is to respect each other and regard each other as a living human being who deserve life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
your post portrayed Africans as arrogant people with superiority complex over their American counterparts when in fact you don't know many Africans, a continent that has people of all races. Your unjust description of African superiority was disturbing and I have not seen a single word on your post that was directed to Black Americans to also respect and recognize their African brethren. Since you have been in America and obtained your so called citizenship, I assume that you have at some point experienced some prejudice from not white kids but from them black American kids. Google online and you will find out how disgusting some of these young fellas attitude towards recent African immigrants is, we see them in schools, work stations, sport centers etc. My experience here has always been white kids showing more interest to know who I am, where I come from, what foods do I like, my family status and everything and up to this day, the number of my African American brethren that have shown interest to talk to me or even make an eye contact with me is far fewer than their white American counterparts. whites are more friendlier to you if they realize that you are non American. If some black Americans think we Mama African Children act superior over them, that is their weak and intimidating mindset I cannot help to heal the damage slavery and plantation mentality has don't to some of their mindset that includes self hate. Even in Africa we do not identify with other tribes that do not speak out ethnic languages and we are all blacks. So its not about the skin color and I want you to stop looking at skin color and be more constructive when I comes to comparing the two. You can advise Africans but I am yet to see a single advise directed at Americans that raises a big question "I DOUBT IF THE WRITER OF THIS ARTICLE IS NIGERIAN". This is internet and we expect all kind of personifications online. Excuse my grammatical errors because am not an English man nor is English my first language be understanding when you encounter any grammar error. Rosa Park and Martin Luther king Junior and all those civil rights activists that you have mentioned are probably one of the best African American that have inspired me all my life but looking at the statistics, how many African Americans dress or conduct themselves in public like MLK? Has MLK mocked and make fun of Africa and how Africa looks? You mentioned that without
I prefer to refer to myself as an African in America. Because my family was brought here against their will is reason enough not to adopt the term American. Yes I was born here but my origin lies in a continent thousands of miles away. If you look at the black American culture you will see the strong influence of our African roots. It will always be in our DNA. They taught us to hate each other and ourselves here as well as in the continent of Africa. We Africans in America may have lost our language and original culture, but you can see the same thing in Africa, capitalism has affected all of us. Seeing my people world over separated by the names imposed on them by Europeans shows me that their "divide and conquer" mentality never died. We as a people will never stop going through hell in this country. We all must come together and realize that we are all one. We all exist in one another. I am not just saying this as a Pan-African, I am saying this as a Black Man, a Hatian man, and an African man. They are all one in the same, and so are we. I know there are many who do not agree, but nature itself will be sure to prove me right
-Peace to my Brothers and Sisters, and the dormant millions
I hate when people say that ALL Africans have a superiority complex. That is COMPLETELY false. There are a number of them that do but I know many Africans that do NOT. I was born in the states but I am a first-generation Ethiopian and all I know myself to be is black and I treat all humans as equal, period.
When people ask my race, I answer "human".
I prefer black. That term , to me, represents the unique history if black people in America. As stated by an African man himself, in this article. Africans tend to have a superiority complex towards blacks in America. Why? I do not know. Look at the state of affairs in any of the African nations as compared to any other country in The world and it is nothing to be smug and proud of. In addition, many Africans helped sell their own people into slavery, so that connection was seriously severed at that time. I have traveled to Africa and had a wonderful time. While there, I experienced many Africans begging me to get black Americans to show more support for the continent. I found that interesting, as why would you look for help from a group of people you think you are better than?? Makes no sense.
this is not spam more like a history back take!! wake up!! black people own America, this land belongs to the aboriginal blacks!
http://tinyurl(.)com/blackstrueface http://tinyurl(.)com/stolenface
http://tinyurl(.)com/youtrykilledus http://tinyurl(.)com/Whoalookatthis
http://tinyurl(.)com/theydidittous http://tinyurl(.)com/stoleourface
http://tinyurl(.)com/theywannawipeit http://tinyurl(.)com/holycrapnowonder http://tinyurl(.)com/pastdontlie
get rid of the ( )
I would really prefer to be called an African without the American. I know we are in America, so why can't we just drop it. It's already understood because we are living here? Just a thought. I'm very proud to be of African descent...very proud. Teach me "my" language...
My mom is from Morocco so that makes me african. Probably more african then most of the people that cLl themselves african american. I am not black. Say black if its skin color your discussing.
I am an American Black. I am not African. I have never been to Africa.
I'm Seminole or native black but history has lied and we have forgotten our black native ppl that was already here before slavery
I was born in America. My ancestors were brought here from Africa as slaves. I prefer to be called African American. Those people who are from the Caribbean or South America and prefer to be called Jamaican American or Cuban American or Belizan American, you are still African. You were brought here on the same slave ships that my ancestors were brought here on. All of those places were places that slaves were dropped off to break and season them for slavery. If you were not a slave and know what country in Africa that your ancestors came from or were born in Africa, I agree that you are Nigerian American or Egyptian American. I said Egypt because a lot of Europeans don't want to know that Egypt is in Africa, but that's another story and getting off the subject.
If u are a Black and u have been naturalized as an American,u will be automatically been call an American.the word black- white-Asian- African Cuba-American should not exist.This is because all these distinctions calls for preference. There are some ingredient of segregation when we deal with preferences.
I prefer & use the description American of African Descent! Nothing shows you how American you are like being in Africa.
I chose this because...eventhough we r a totally different people...I perfer African American to show connection to the Mother Land n because white America don't like it...but thats just me...
I chose this because...eventhough we r a totally different people...I perfer African American to show connection to the Mother Land n because white America don't like it...but thats just me...
In actuality there was no option for my actual answer. I checked American because that was the only option closest to mine. We all know when filling out forms African American is what you find for Black people to identify with and not all of us prefer that classification. I often leave that space unmarked or check other which I do not feel comfortable with. The way I look at is I'm really an American who happens to be Black, but there's no option for that. So, I prefer to be a Black American because I was born here, I'm a U.S. citizen, and neither myself or any family member ever been to Africa. No human being is pure anything, and all of us have many ethnic backgrounds in our DNA. Therefore we should be able to choose ourselves what, who, or how we choose to be classified / identified as. Thank You