Does TMZ's treatment of Barry's death represent a double standard?


  • DC Born DC Raised - 9 years ago

    Regardless of the freedom of the press, there is something simply called RESPECT. He is still someones family member, and beloved by many people, here in the District of Columbia. Just do what's right TMZ, and apologize to his family, and take down the post.

  • iris - 9 years ago

    Just dont watch them yoy see how they feel about us sad 2014

  • Tina - 9 years ago

    I did not read or hear from TMZ! I read what yahoo had on their feed. Yes, the man did get caught smoking crack, but he was a very accomplished man in his younger years. He did a lot of good and one stupid memory is what TMZ gave us. He was very involved in the black movement. He had a Masters degree and was very well educated. It is horrible that they want to remember this man for one instance in his life. It did not define him. Everyone makes mistakes. What is that old saying... He without sin cast the first stone! Oh, I guess I need to say that I am a middle American white woman. I hate labels!!!! I am an American. Black, white, green, purple.. We are all part of the HUMAN race. One.. I do wonder if they ran a headline when it was found out Heath Ledger died of drugs.. I personally want to hear the good. He was a son and father to a beautiful daughter. Barry surely had family that are mourning and they have to see this disrespectful crap online about the person they loved. It has nothing to do with truth.. Just the almighty dollar with no regarts to anyone. Enough said....

  • denny crane - 9 years ago

    Let's wait to see what TMZ says about Rob Ford before we judge.

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    the vote just points out the obvious...the headline was very distasteful. It could have simply said, Ex Mayor diesat 78!

  • Al Harper - 9 years ago

    I believe in freedom of the press. TMZ has the right to call it the way they see it or not!

  • lala - 9 years ago

    Ledgers cause of death wasnt known when TMZ broke that headline nor was ledger known to have a drug issue so this is apples and oranges. i agree that the Marion headline was tasteless, but this comparison is pointless

  • Russell Grant - 9 years ago

    It's called click bait. If they say Mayor Berry died today it would overlooked. But by saying "Crack Mayor" when crack likely didn't kill him it gets you to click. It gets the page viewed. It gets their name out. Even the bad pub and racially biased overtone of it can be spun as positive for TMZ, since they are in the tabloid news business. Sure you're pissed off by it but it made you look. Their mission is accomplished.

    Like P.T. Barnum said. "I don't care what you say about me. Just get my name right."

  • Michelle - 9 years ago

    it's not racial, it's about status. An elected official and a Hollywood Movie Star. At the time Heath was found they didnt have confirmation of CAUSE OF DEATH. I wouldn't know Mayor BARRY unless they attached the crack reference to him. Sorry, and sad but true!

  • Carla - 9 years ago

    TMZ should be ashamed. They did not do this to Robin Williams or Heath Ledger.

  • Ade Adeyemi - 9 years ago

    We should lunch a boycott of these Bastards.
    Too many of you are making excuses for TNT,they don't care for the news but profits. MTP today with EX NY mayor said black people need white police to protect them because they kill each other. What an insane utterance. Mass killings in USA majority perpetrators are white. Do you need black police to save white people.

  • das - 9 years ago

    the difference is berry was an elected official caught taking drugs and ledger is an actor, thus, the shock value lies with the mayor. No double standard at all. If rob ford died today I'm sure they would say the same about him.

  • Angela Fauntroy - 9 years ago

    Go sign the petition and show TMZ how we really feel!

  • The Dahntahn Rejects - 9 years ago

    Is it ppossible that they used that headline simply because that is what he is known for and would get the most clicks for? Most people who read TMZ are there to read about celebrities and would know who Heath Ledger and may not know who this guy was. Why do people jump to suck quick reactions?

  • Kathy - 9 years ago

    Thank you John!
    Instead this show applauds Kim Kardashian for showing her a**.
    This thot Will never be famous for curing cancer, Will never be associated with any positive Organizations that help people and her only legacy will be giving Ray J top and not well at that & showing a big old baggy fake ass!
    And before I am accused of being a hater, please be assured that I am never that.
    I am a class 3B "beauty, brains & boots"

  • richard swinea - 9 years ago

    Well put John

  • JOHN - 9 years ago


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