Do you believe tithing (the practice of giving 10% of your earnings to the church) should be mandatory?


  • Nettie Pennington - 10 years ago

    I believe God's word allows for giving as has been put on our heart to give. "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). These verses should be married up with the Old Testament verses that people like to quote to embarrass and shame people into giving. God is not like that; He does not want to shame His people, He wants them to give cheerfully.

  • Michael - 10 years ago

    Wife had surgery 24 times, I'm a preacher's kid. I had to go through this to learn it the hard way:

  • Roxanne Corbin - 10 years ago

    Tithing was part of the law through Moses for the nation of Israel which Jesus fulfilled (Matt. 5:17,18; Rom. 10:4)
    Legislation isn't necessary, clear understanding of what the Bible REALLY teaches is.

  • Prophet Me - 10 years ago

    UHHH ;::: SMH!!! THE BOOK OF HOSEA ! GOD SAID MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!!!! Tithing and offering is OBEDIENCE TO GOD!!! SMH !! OLD OR NEW TESTAMENT. ITS THE WORD!!!! SOOOO THose that don't pay! Ur money is cursed! And u will feel it in due season!!!" Ignoramuses!!!!

  • Tootyred - 10 years ago

    Some people are so simple minded,who's going to foot the bill for lights and rent,or help amongst the community, do you think a pastor or bishop should preach for free.Yall get out of here with that bs.The devil is a lie,and people who are real supporters of God wouldn't question.

  • Alesia Williams - 10 years ago

    Now that was just wrong of the pastor to refuse to allow the lady's funeral at the church..Tithes has nothing to do with it..that's God's money .not the pastor's.. he ony a man not God!!!

  • Robin - 10 years ago

    He shouldn't be a paster. The church members should vote him out. This is another type of "BLACK ON BLACK CRIME" SO SAD

  • Heather - 10 years ago

    35% of my income already goes to help the poor and the elderly and pay for education and other services in my community. I also give money to the ASPCA and to a Guatemalan girl every month. I do not need to give money to some church as well. I stopped going because it just feels like a money grab to me.

  • Robin - 10 years ago

    If her pastor was any man of God or any good he would have known his member was sick, and could not pay tithes. This is sad and to often happening by these old money hungry wolves n sheep clothing. Can't wait until God step in n show out!! Your day is coming

  • Janet - 10 years ago

    Just goes to show you this particular pastor as well as many others see the church strictly as a business, not as a help or part of the community as it should and used to be. Church has become big business and its a shame!

  • Sheba Grant - 10 years ago

    That preacher, is full of mess, how dare he denied someone a funeral, u give what u can if i cant py rent or bills is the church going to handle that. Christian , is he what u call christian GOD would not have a problem with someone who didnt give thithing,would deprive, them from having a funeral service at a church she had attended for yrs of her life, what has become is the pastor are about cars,money,jewelery, fancy homes etc. The compassion for the people, rel compassion is over he is just another pimp in pulpit. Well it can come back on him, where he gets sick in and out of nursing homrs, hospitals and end up in a coma , dont py thithes now he cant have service at the church he attended all his life, all because he was sick, christians so call god loving christian are the worst ones. He is judgemental, u r a man ,not god himself.

  • Gustavia Williams - 10 years ago

    Yes I do believe in tithing and pay my tithe over pay them if I had it because one day I may not have year ago my home burned down loss everything we own out in cold red cross gave a few dollars three nights stay in the hotel and after that we was on our own. mine you other churches can and look me up and me more than my church. I was never worry about them help but only 2 people out the church came see was we OK .from November to may we seen hard time with a 92 years old 2 babies 15 husband and myself my husband was in 1 town and I was in another 1 he was sleeping in his truck because he had to work he like to frozen and 2 months ago I had a heart attack only one person came to see me so if you pay tithe or not it really doesn't matter it got me believing that it's all about the money I love my church and love my pastor something just don't add up I just pray and ask God for help

  • Nyya - 10 years ago

    I agree with Wanda Houston, in addition, thithing can also be demonstrated by giving your time to the church and helping in any way the you can to support your spiritual house of worship

  • Brenda - 10 years ago

    Yes I believe we should tithes as instructed in God's Word. If she was not able to come to church for the last two years because of illness the Pastor should still have allowed her to be funeralize from the church. Where is the compassion?

  • Carl - 10 years ago

    I would like to add that the bible says GOD loves a cheerful giver, who give of his first fruit. That means a tenth of your gross. GOD isn't like the government who takes his off the top before you get your hand on your money. GOD test your willingness to give, and your offering has a smell to it, based on the spirit by which you give. GOD prefers that you keep it if it's not given with a cheerful heart. Most people who let the devil trick them from giving don't fare as well as those who know the devil is a liar who gets joy out of keeping you in the land of the needy. Basis math proves 1 dime out of every dollar to GOD and 9 to you will leaves you with more. Then he says the more you give the more he gives to you, I would challenge anybody who don't give a tithe or offering to ask somebody who does and ask them if GOD's word is true. I'm a witness of GOD blessing

  • Carl - 10 years ago

    Luke 6:38 Says to give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and running over.. For those stuck in the Old Testament there is greater challenge to give more in the new Testament. GOD ask for tithes and offering to support the work of the church here on earth. God doesn't need our money it already belongs to him, he let us be stewards over it to see how we manage it. As somebody mentioned talents (money) in the bible he gave each equal amount those that use it wisely he rewarded, the one that buried their talents he took and gave to the wise. It amaze me that the people forget the shurch is supposed to help the poor, those in need of food clothing and other needs. That takes money which GOD commanded in the form of tithes and free will offering. There is no other time in the bible that GOD ask Christain to try him than when it comes to giving. The devil as I can see from these posts uses money as a way to keep people from getting blessings from GOD, As the vese say give and it shall be given unto you, history has never proven GOD word to be wrong. IT doesn't matter is a person pastor. church abuses what members give GOD will bless them and there is a high price to pay for stealing GOD's money. The bible also expect a apstor that feeds his flock to be rewarded.. . Will a man rob GOD , yes through tithes and offering. Just because the word tithes isn't mentioned in the new testament doesn't imply the need isn't there to support the church for it to do GOD's work. Paul says I would not have you ignorant so he makes all this plain in the NEW Testament but to understand it you have to read and not lean to your own understanding.

  • JoAnn - 10 years ago

    The commandment to tithe, or contribute a tenth of one’s belongings, was part of the Law given to the ancient nation of Israel. However, the Bible makes it clear that this Law—including the “commandment to collect tithes”—does not apply to Christians.—Hebrews 7:5, 18; Colossians 2:13, 14.

    Rather than giving required tithes and offerings, Jehovah’s Witnesses imitate the early Christians and support their ministry in two ways: by performing their personal ministerial work without pay and by making voluntary donations.

    We thus follow the Bible’s direction to Christians: “Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”—2 Corinthians 9:7.

  • wanda houston - 10 years ago

    Tithing is under the law (old testament). We are under the dispensation of grace. We tithe yes after we ask the HolySpirit wat we are to give. Pastors preach error..... The Bible teaches that the letter killeth nbut the Spirit brings forth forth life.. The Bible also teaches that those pastors who cause their sheep to go astray will be dealt with.

  • wanda houston - 10 years ago

    Tithing is under the law (old testament). We are under the dispensation of grace. We tithe yes after we ask the HolySpirit wat we are to give. Pastors preach error..... The Bible teaches that the letter killeth nbut the Spirit brings forth forth life.. The Bible also teaches that those pastors who cause their sheep to go astray will be dealt with.

  • virginia - 10 years ago


    that 10% can be paid in different ways; what is the church body oin about it; what is the church body thinking, they do her they will do others; is this is God's money who does the pastor thinks he is to sit in judgement to deny this lady her rights.; 50 years in a church she has earned hers; the pastor should be made to step down or the church should be closed down, because that is no way to treat one of God's children or anyone else's child

  • kay white - 10 years ago

    Jesus did not come to change the laws of Moses. I believe tithes should paid as the bible say however, give what u can aford is reasonable.

  • Ann - 10 years ago

    I doont give it to people,i offer it for my Lord,what they do to with it,is upto your part!!

  • Cheri - 10 years ago

    I believe tithing is giving of your TIME TALENT and TREASURE! Anything that shows Gods love and helps his people is TITHING in my opinion. I give to charities as well as my church regularly. As for this Pastor, I have no words!!

  • Cheri - 10 years ago

    I believe tithing is giving of your TIME TALENT and TREASURE! Anything that shows Gods love and helps his people is TITHING in my opinion. I give to charities as well as my church regularly. As for this Pastor, I have no words!!

  • Rodney Chester - 10 years ago

    Biacks are so ignorant and unlearned when it comes to God's word No where in the BIBLE can you find where God requires that you give 10 % to the church. Tradition will keep you updated n bondage. Purpose in your heart.

  • Crystal - 10 years ago

    I believe you should pay your 10%. It is not mandatory! He only gave us 10 commandments. It's up to the individual to decide whether they want to rob God. Curses vs. Blessings? Now if this 93 year old lady died but had been sick for two years, did he even go visit her. He is wrong as two left shoes and at that age tithes isn't an issue! This is a shame and disgrace to the body of Chist. If he is a true man of God after God's heart he will see this again.

  • Yvette - 10 years ago

    Yes you should pay tithes God requires it. People don't want to pay but expect the church to come to their rescue when they are in need. The revenue received in tithes foot the bill for all the community services the church offers. As part of a first family my parents contributed more than 10% of their income to the church. Nobody wants to give but everyone wants to receive.

    With that being said this Pastor is WRONG and is NOT acting in love the way GOD commands us to love! It's people like him thar make it hard for the church's that do as God has commanded Christians to do!

  • NL Jones - 10 years ago

    Since I like to how my money is being spent, what God use it for?

  • Lilly Ramos - 10 years ago

    As raised in church you give what you can afford, and to denied burial it's a Shame but I'm no one to judge him, hope and pray he has a better excuse when it's time to face God

  • Kim - 10 years ago

    I think a person should give what they can. God knows the truth of our finances, and one should be judged by him and him alone.

  • Diana Singleton-Mays - 10 years ago

    This is really ashame he needs to not be a pastor at all. You will be judged by our heavenly Father.

  • Ashley Williams - 10 years ago

    Where in the bible does it state tithes have to be monetary?

  • Latonia Miles - 10 years ago

    yes I believe in Tithes when you Tithes you giving back to God and we have to remember the people of God the church have to have be ran just like your home it have to have lights, water, the bulidinggot to be kept up. you got yo also.have heat& air so you ought to want a nicr place to come and worship God. God should always come first. Now not allowing this women to have her Mother furneral in the church she bern in for 50 yrs. snd because she havent paid no tithes or been to church due to illness that is so rediculous to me. But we got to remember that Gid is above the devil and God see and know everything that we does thats wrong. He font like mess.And this is a mess.praying for the family. but im also praying more for the pastor of the church cause He wrong.And yhat is not of God in him. Be Bless!

  • Ronad Foxx - 10 years ago

    I Believe In Being Obedient To GOD'S Holy Word.
    However I Don't Believe Any Pastor Male/Female Has The Right
    To Deny A Member The Privilege/Right To Have A Funeral At Their Church Home. It Not For Anyone Other Than GOD To Pass
    Judgment On Another Human. It's GOD'S House. All These Pimps In The Pulpit Will Be Held Accountable. There's A Special Corner In HELL For Those Who Want To Play GOD. They Won't Have The Option Of " Getting Out Of The Kitchen " Because They Couldn't Stand The Heat...

  • Sharlene - 10 years ago

    yes the bible did say that in the old mosaic law which we are no longer under. There is also the account where the widow gave Two coins compared to the rich given large amount but God said the widow have from the heart which was a lot more the what the wealthy was giving. So it's not 10%, it's what you really and truly is able to give. And you see a lot of this in christodom, churches popping up every where to try to get rich quick. They are not about saving lives and teaching God's will, it's all about the money. That's why God warned us to beware of false prophets. GOD BLESS EVERYONE

  • Wilburn Sewell jr - 10 years ago

    Read Leviticus 27:30-34
    Malachi 3:7-12 it is n the Bible , look under

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