Should the Ferguson sketch have been cut from SNL?


  • Cee - 9 years ago

    It's not funny at all. The difference between the Holocaust and now is, the Holocaust is OVER! While being black in America is a constant visual reminder that nothing has actually changed. Next, they are going to take Civil Rights and start separating us from others based on our skin tone. SMH!!!

  • kg - 9 years ago

    If u havent seen political comedy then u see it here. They are trying a news cast but can't really do it because of the events that are going on in Ferguson. I understood every bit and don't think that it should be cut

  • person - 9 years ago

    Antonio, you DO realize people had done those things? In multiple shows and skits? There are a lot of jokes and whatnot of the holocaust too. Quit being so butthurt.

  • antonio mixon - 9 years ago

    hell naw it aint funny..make a joke about the assination of jfk,or the holocaust and see what kind of response you get..that's the problem..these people are so stupid they don't know when their being insulted and when to be they walk around the streets talking about"give me some respect"when we steady getting disrespected in the media,and letting it aint never funny to make light of a persons untimely death..make a joke about princess dianas death and do a poll on that

  • Cee - 9 years ago

    Comedy highlights the uncomfortable moments of our society. Race is a very uncomfortable topic in America and we will not solve the problem by hiding from it.

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